Most candy favorites related news are at:

Garfield Lollipops 21 Jun 2013 | 08:27 am
He may be cantankerous, but he's earned his place in millions of hearts around the globe. Garfield, the cat who loves lasagna, first appeared in 1978 and is the centerpiece of the most widely circulat...
Hello Kitty Lollipop 21 Jun 2013 | 08:27 am
Isn't she sweet? Now she's even sweeter, because Hello Kitty comes in the form of a lollipop. As pretty as always, Hello Kitty graces these colorfully-packaged suckers that weigh 1 oz. each and stand ...
More candy favorites related news:
Marshmallow health facts 11 May 2013 | 05:06 pm
Marshmallows are, without a doubt, a candy favorite. Sure, by themselves they may not be as decadent as your favorite chocolate bar, but it’s a safe bet that these simple, fluffy treats hold a special...
Weight Watcher' Cheat Sheet: Easter Candy Favorites 23 Jan 2013 | 09:57 am
I find it extremely enlightening to know I can splurge on 1 Russell Stover's Marshmallow Egg for only 3 points! Notice the portion sizes too. If you're like me, part of successfully snacking is "tri...
What Do You Really Want? 24 Aug 2011 | 11:53 am
I frequently share inspirational quotes with my membership and one of my favorites has to be this: “First, you decide what you want specifically; and second, you decide if you’re willing to pay the pr...
What to do with your Leftover Halloween Candy 1 Nov 2010 | 12:00 am
Trick-or-Treating can leave you overloaded with sweet treats, but don’t let that candy go to waste. We’ve got some fun ideas to inspire you to enjoy your leftover Halloween candy in a whole new way. ...
What’s in Your Candy Bowl? 31 Oct 2010 | 06:56 am
I have some very fond memories of Halloween with my little sister. There was nothing more exciting, in my seven year old mind, that getting dressed up and walking around the neighborhood with my sist...
Candy Bar Blondies 20 Oct 2010 | 09:20 pm
Are you staring down a bowl of leftover Halloween candy? Me too. I feel like I should admit that this bowl of candy isn’t from adult trick or treating, and it’s not from leftover trick or teat festivi...
Inspiration: 20 Amazing Photomanipulations 6 Apr 2011 | 02:29 pm
Dream of a Photomanipulator, by Rekano To celebrate the 175th article on Digital Image Magazine, I’ve decided to celebrate by doing one of my favorite things: a showcase of great work. Besides, I lov...
Easy ways to join Blazingminds Competition! 16 Mar 2010 | 10:44 pm
Another favorite blogger of mine is Karen from Blazing Minds. On her blog you will find a great variety of topics which range from Blogging Tips, Blogger interviews (yes, you can ask her to interview ...
4 Reasons to Skip Late Night Snacks 21 Jul 2010 | 10:44 pm
4 Reasons to Skip Late Night Snacks Late night snacks are my favorite way to guarantee I get to the leftovers before my husband can scarf them down. The way I see it, it's like the old proverb abo.....
iPhone / iPad doesn’t group songs from the same album [Solution] 15 Feb 2012 | 05:36 am
Small annoyances, I know. You have synced up your favorite album in your iPhone or an iPad using iTunes, but all the songs appear as if they are from separate albums.In the ‘Group by Albums‘ view of t...