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Canon EOS 500D wallpapers 1 May 2012 | 03:15 pm
Recensione Canon EOS 500d SLR Reflex 15MP Prezzo Più Basso! 23 Dec 2010 | 04:46 am
Recensione Canon EOS 500D SLR Fotocamera 15 mega-pixel, Live View, Video HD incluso Kit 18-55mm IS (Immagine stabilizzata) Questa fotocamera dà la possibilità di cementarsi sin da subito nella fotogr...
CANON EOS 60D FIRMWARE UPDATE Version 1.1.0 21 Jul 2011 | 01:17 pm
Download here. Changes: Firmware Version 1.1.0 incorporates the following fixes and improvements. 1. Fixes a phenomenon where the wireless built-in flash settings are reset to defaults when the ...
CARGOLAIRE: EL PISPA 23 May 2011 | 01:15 am
EL PIPSA from Ramon Maeso on Vimeo. MANEL I JOAN AL CARGOLAIRE, ENCADENA "EL PISPA" 7C, GRABAT AMB CANON EOS 500D, 18-55mm, 28mm, i tokina 11-16mm.
Canon EOS Rebel T1i Digital SLR Camera 12 Apr 2010 | 09:56 am
Canon EOS Rebel T1i 15.1 Megapixel CMOS Digital SLR (Canon EOS 500D) is fully loaded with features – some new and some made even better than before – the Rebel T1i is the digital camera that other ca...
Canon, Nikon and Olympus firmware updates – Aprilie 2011 27 Apr 2011 | 10:44 pm
Canon EOS 7D Firmware 1.2.5 – Canon EOS 7D Product Page (aici) Canon has released a firmware update for the Canon EOS 7D digital SLR camera. Version 1.2.5 improves read and write speeds when using UD...
Frühling 20 Apr 2011 | 09:23 am
Cam: Canon EOS 500D; Belichtung: 1/200 s; Brennweite: 34 mm; ISO: 100; Blende: f/10.0
Der Hirsch 23 Jan 2011 | 10:46 am
Cam: Canon EOS 500D; Belichtung: 1/640 s; Brennweite: 49 mm; ISO: 1600; Blende: f/5.6
Canon EOS 500D: Semudah Kamera Saku 27 Dec 2009 | 09:58 pm
Di tahun 2009 ini, Canon meluncurkan varian terbaru di kelas entry level yaitu EOS 500D. Canon EOS 500D ini diposisikan sebagai penerus dan pengganti EOS 450D yang telah berumur sekitar satu tahun. Ta...
Canon EOS 500D 26 Mar 2009 | 12:41 am
Canon anuncia la nueva EOS 500D de 15,1 Megapíxeles. Tras el lanzamiento de la primera cámara Canon EOS capaz de grabar vídeo – la EOS 5D Mark II en septiembre de 2008 –, ahora Canon acerca a los c...