Most capcom related news are at:

2013年08月22日 更新|TOKYO GAME SHOW 2013 22 Aug 2013 | 01:29 pm
カプコンブース出展決定! イベント概要、出展タイトル、物販情報、マイカプコン会員限定企画を公開!
2013年08月12日 更新|iOS「完乗!全国鉄道の旅」 12 Aug 2013 | 03:05 pm
More capcom related news:
Resident Evil 5 (2009/Multi9/Repack by z10yded) 15 Mar 2012 | 04:30 pm
Resident Evil 5 (2009/Multi9/Repack by z10yded) 2009 | PC | Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech, Japanese | Developer & Publisher: Capcom Entertainment | 3.03GB Genre: Ac...
Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter on the kards? 14 Feb 2012 | 02:33 am
Beat 'em up fans, it might interest you to know that Mortal Kombat Co-Creator Ed Boon and Capcom Community Manager Seth Killian hung out during the DICE Summit interactive entertainment conference...
Dragon´s Dogma – Wenn ich Gross bin… will ich Drachentöter werden! 8 May 2012 | 12:13 am
Am 25.05.2012 bringt Capcom Dragon´s Dogma in Deutschland für die Sony Playstation 3 und die Microsoft XB360 heraus. Capcom präsentiert mit diesem Open World Action Fantasy RPG eine neue Marke und wil...
Bionic Commando 8 Jan 2008 | 06:27 am
Bionic Commando is een oude Capcom franchise, die volgend jaar opnieuw leven wordt ingeblazen. In 2008 verschijnt Bionic Commando op de PC, de PlayStation 3 en de Xbox 360. Nu nog even wachten op de s...
Resident Evil 4 [Español][Wii][PAL][LB] 30 May 2012 | 12:57 pm
Cuarta entrega de la famosa saga de terror creada por Capcom, que en esta ocasión traslada su desarrollo hasta una misteriosa localización europea desde la que Leon S. Kennedy, el protagonista, deberá...
SDCC: Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 revealed 23 Jul 2011 | 12:41 pm
Over in the good old USA, there is an explosion of news coming from the San Diego Comic Con, better known as SDCC. Every year, comic book publishers, gaming companies and film studios take the opportu...
Mega Man Legends 3 Information Revealed at NY Comic Con 15 Oct 2010 | 01:48 pm
At New York Comic Con’s “World of Capcom” panel, Keiji Inafune revealed that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project will be developed with an unprecedented amount of involvement from the fans. Fans will be a...
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City 29 Mar 2012 | 02:35 am
Title: Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Publisher: Capcom Platform: PS3 Genre: Shooter Release Date: 3/19/2012 Overview: Somewhere between Resident Evil 2 and RE3, Nemesis, an Umbrella Corporatio...
Resident Evil 6 System Requirements 19 May 2012 | 03:32 pm
Resident Evil 6 is dramatic horror game developed by Capcom.It will release on Xbox and PS3 on 12th October,2012 and later on PC Resident Evil 6 system requirements (minimum) CPU: 2.4 GHz dual core ...
В PSN снижена цена на Bionic Commando Rearmed 15 May 2009 | 03:34 am
Как известно, скоро выходит ожидаемый многими игроками проект - Bionic Commando. В свою очередь компания Capcom снизила цену на римейк оригинальной части игры в сервисе. С сегодняшнего дня и до следу...