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The SaaS Explosion of 2013: Part V – VARs and System Integrators get on board 21 Mar 2012 | 12:31 pm
The computer industry goes through a cycle of “Creative Destruction” most every decade whereby a new paradigm replace the old. SaaS ushers in the next wave of “Creative Destruction; VARs and System ...
Österreichisches Startup-Cluster InitialFactor gestartet 22 Jan 2011 | 12:08 am
i5invest, First Love Capital, Creative Industries Invest und The Merger rücken zusammen Vier erfolgreiche Unternehmen der österreichischen Startup-Szene bündeln ihre Kräfte. Mit der heute bekannt ge...
Veiklos požymiai 14 Jan 2010 | 10:15 pm
Kūrybinis naikinimas (angl. creative destructions) – sąvoka, kurią šiuolaikiniai ekonomistai, pradedant J. Shumpetteriu ir A. Groves, taiko apibūdindami šiuolaikinių įmonių raidą. Globalus kaimas Glob...
In the Thunderous Sky of Greece a Lightning Bolt of Creative Destruction is about to Strike the Country 2 May 2012 | 10:32 pm
By Con George-Kotzabasis April 27, 2012 History has shown that at critical moments, in countries of advanced and high culture, men of stupendous ability, imagination, foresight, and fortitude, sprang...
Österreichisches Startup-Cluster InitialFactor gestartet 15 Oct 2010 | 08:23 pm
i5invest, First Love Capital, Creative Industries Invest und The Merger rücken zusammen
“Reaganomics Revolution” R.I.P. 1981-2011. Like Roaring Twenties: “Forever Blowing Bubbles, Dreaming Dreams, Scheming Schemes, Building Castles in th... 19 Jun 2011 | 04:35 am
The thirty-year “Reaganomics Revolution” will be over soon. Like the Roaring Twenties, ending in the game-changing crash. Though a century apart, they share a common theme song of irrational exuberanc...
The Bad News and Good News of the Cloud Transition for SaaS Vendor’s Partners 23 Jul 2012 | 03:05 am
The Bad News Cloud Computing is just the latest computing model fostering the creative destruction of the prior dominant computing model: Mainframes to Mini Computers, Mini Computers to Local Area N...
“Reaganomics Revolution” R.I.P. 1981-2011. Like Roaring Twenties: “Forever Blowing Bubbles, Dreaming Dreams, Scheming Schemes, Building Castles in th... 19 Jun 2011 | 12:35 am
The thirty-year “Reaganomics Revolution” will be over soon. Like the Roaring Twenties, ending in the game-changing crash. Though a century apart, they share a common theme song of irrational exuberanc...
September 2012 | 12 MINI TRENDS 3 Sep 2012 | 06:01 am
In a world of global hyper-consumption and creative destruction, there are now more consumer trends than you can swing a stick at. Here’s just a small selection of ‘mini’ consumer and business trends ...
No I’m Not Voting In Tomorrows Election, I’d Rather See Creative Destruction 6 Nov 2012 | 07:35 am
Government is broken. The only thing at stake tomorrow is how much more it breaks. Do we choose the lesser of two evils? The consensus is yes. But I often wonder whether the world would be better in t...