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Dehydration? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:30 pm
Hello, My cat is recovering from dehydration. She is feelling much better today,(yesterday we were not sure if she would survive) but today when she got up and walked to our bathroom, then ran to the ...
Cat pushes the other cat from the window? 27 Aug 2013 | 04:26 pm
Hello Our Turkish Van cat Marchioness is two years old. She is a very active and lovely cat, but has a stange habit of pushing our second cat from the window sill every time she sees her sitting there...
More captive bred dart frogs related news:
Panama’s golden frog bred in captivity for first time 12 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm
The Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation project recently announced that the golden frog, a national icon on the brink of extinction, has been successfully raised in captivity at the El Valle Amph...