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[EXPO] Salgado nous remet à notre place 14 Aug 2013 | 07:54 pm
Connu pour ses clichés mettant en scène les hommes de peu, le talentueux photographe brésilien Sebastiao Salagado écrit cette fois ci ce qu'il appelle lui même "une lettre d'amour à la planète". On c...
Sony est-il en train de révolutionner la photo numérique? 13 Aug 2013 | 10:02 pm
Source: Sony Alpha Rumors Nous ne faisons habituellement pas dans la rumeur, mais la toile s'est enflammé ces dernières heures... A côté des trop traditionnels Canon et Nikon - dont les réflex sont ...
More capture one mac related news:
Как получить бесплатно легальную лицензию на Capture One Express 6 10 Aug 2011 | 12:34 am
Для этого нужно сходить по ссылке Ответ на проверочный вопрос о “What effect is being taught on page 67?” — grunge Если выпал другой вопрос, то жмите F5, что бы дождаться нужного. Обязательно укаж...
Capture One Pro - Lo Sapevate? 28 May 2012 | 09:55 pm
Fotografia Digitale Capture One Pro - Lo Sapevate? Ciao! Sapevate che Capture One Pro di Phase One è considerato uno dei più veloci e potenti Software Professionali per la correzione di immagini RA...
Lightroom vs Capture One - Domande e Risposte 19 Mar 2012 | 09:05 pm
Domande e Risposte Ho raccolto per voi alcune informazioni che dovete assolutamente conoscere. D: Cos'è Lightroom? R: Lightroom è il famoso software creato da Adobe (Si! gli inventori di Photoshop)...
Corso Pratico su Capture One Pro 1 Mar 2012 | 11:24 am
In cosa consiste il corso Questo corso vi permetterà di ottenere risultati eccellenti attraverso l'uso del software Capture One. Questo è uno dei più apprezzati software professionali per l'acquisizi...
Chinese Themed Bedroom 22 Nov 2010 | 08:19 pm
Are you a fan of the culture of China? You are not alone because after all, the nation is full of mysteries and wonders that capture one’s imagination. If you are a true enthusiast, then you may want ...
Vancouver - Granville Street Bridge 15 Jun 2008 | 04:35 pm
This is about people. Living, breathing, city-dwelling people. Its about waking up in the morning and putting on clothes, not knowing where the day may take you. This is about capturing one single mom... 7 Mar 2011 | 01:59 pm
Long time, no post. I made two beautiful winter coats in January, neither of which I've managed to get any photos of, despite wearing one almost every day. Rather than wait until I capture one of thos...
a sweeter song 7 Feb 2011 | 03:19 pm
i don’t exactly know why i’m blogging right now. i just know my brain is moving a mile a second. thoughts are flying all over and if i can can capture one and make it somewhat comprehensible, then may...
Capture One Express 6 16 Jul 2011 | 07:29 am
Capture One е професионален RAW конвертор, интересен и полезен инструмент за всеки фотограф. Струва $129, доста скъп, но това е достойна и мощна програма, която разполага с всички основни, лесни за из...
2000+ Followers Giveaway 19 Jun 2011 | 01:13 am
join 2000+ Followers Giveaway click here to join it *First winner will receive FOUR mac eyeshadow refill pans ONE mac powder blush ONE mac lipstick (Everything will be of winners own choice) *Se...