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Wal-Mart Health Care Cost Hike Causing a Stir 26 Oct 2011 | 01:30 pm
A big concern in today’s economy is health care. It’s always been expensive, whether it’s a routine physical, a special test or procedure, or even prescription drug coverage. Many people know what i...
Admission Test :: Application Procedure 29 Sep 2010 | 07:10 pm
The application form for the admission test 2011-12 has started from 23th October 2011. For the first time, the applications are going to be collected through TeleTalk mobile phones! Instructions: R...
ASN Weighs In on Overutilization and the Choosing Wisely Campaign 6 Apr 2012 | 03:25 am
An initiative of the ABIM Foundation, Choosing Wisely is focused on encouraging physicians, patients and other health care stakeholders to think and talk about medical tests and procedures that may be...
‘Choosing Wisely’ Targets 90 More Dubious Tests, Therapies 26 Mar 2013 | 11:51 pm
Seventeen medical societies today released a list of almost 90 common but often unnecessary tests and procedures, many of them ordered for a peculiar kind of patient — the…
Unnecessary medical tests and procedures - the Choosing Wisely initiative 17 Apr 2013 | 09:28 pm
It's not a surprise to anyone that all medical tests and procedures are not created equal. Some tests are more accurate, others less so. Some medications are very effective, and others not so much ...
Unnecessary medical tests and procedures - the Choosing Wisely initiative 17 Apr 2013 | 10:00 pm
It's not a surprise to anyone that all medical tests and procedures are not created equal. Some tests are more accurate, others less so. Some medications are very effective, and others not so much ...
Probe on 2 Jul 2013 | 03:20 pm
Marine Results develops wheel probe for cored composites International rigging and inspection specialists Marine Results have developed a new Non Destructive Testing (NDT) procedure using a custom bui...
Wal-Mart Health Care Cost Hike Causing a Stir 26 Oct 2011 | 06:30 am
A big concern in today’s economy is health care. It’s always been expensive, whether it’s a routine physical, a special test or procedure, or even prescription drug coverage. Many people know what i...
Medical Tests and Procedures You Should Avoid 22 Aug 2013 | 01:59 pm
Doctors are often criticized for prescribing unneeded tests and procedures that harm more than they help and add to medical costs that could otherwise be avoided. 12 medical tests and procedures now b...
Experts describe ways to eliminate wasteful medical tests and procedures 19 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Medical organizations are participating in a campaign to help clinicians and patients avoid wasteful and sometimes harmful medical interventions. Recently, experts in pediatric and adult health from d...