Most care bout anything but you related news are at:

We'll Always Have Paris 14 Sep 2010 | 08:04 pm
Hubo una película que al recuerdo le llamó Paris. La misma película que es denominada como la más romántica de todos los tiempos, y si me lo preguntan: para mí de romántica no tiene nada. Casablanca...
Yummy Tuesday: Food Porn. 18 Aug 2010 | 06:47 am
Tengo un tumblr como la mayoría de la gente que... tiene un tumblr. Duh. Aquí está. Tumblr, a mi punto de vista, va de poner foticos del tema que maneje la línea editorial o los gustos del creador. D...
More care bout anything but you related news:
Emergency Budget 23 Jun 2010 | 09:58 pm
The ConDem budget has reaffirmed two things – the Lib Dems are not to be trusted and Tories don’t care about anything or anyone outside their own constituency. Minority Pastime has always felt that th...
RollerCoaster 6 Nov 2009 | 04:13 am
What can I say? My life is like a rollercoaster lately. Before you play it, you are excited and nervous, when you're playing it you're facing your fears and enjoying & who cares bout the world, when t...
Hilti Firestop 1 Mar 2012 | 02:17 pm
Hilti Firestop To Your Business Of Construction by Suwarno It seems critical to take care of anything in order that you can gain the main goal. This applies to what you do in construction project. I...
The Weekend Pregame: June 1st 30 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
By: Marielle - It’s hard to pretend I care about anything coming out this weekend when Prometheus opens June 8th (omgomgomg!) But, let’s see what we’ve got. *reads: Battlefield America, For Greater ... 9 Sep 2009 | 03:02 am
hwalala!! in erm. 8 hours++ i'll be sitting for my second paper. bleah. dont wana care bout it cause its a paper that i hate.dislike.uninterested. well, sookie's bought a chihuahua puppy. 1st thin...
Life as we know it 2 Apr 2012 | 02:24 pm
They say I have this laid-back personality that really doesn’t care about anything. That is how they perceive me. But for those people who know me. I am far away from that definition. I really do care...
shopping is not my interest anymore 15 Mar 2012 | 09:25 pm
hello peeps.. yes u heard it right.. shopping is not my interest anymore.. im used to be a shopaholic before.. main beli je apa ada depan mata.. never care bout the price.. and i end up broke and i ha...
Beauty in or beauty out? Which do you prefer. 19 Mar 2012 | 11:28 pm
Chanced upon a formspring question , and sort of inspired me to do this blog post. Does guy care bout how girls look ? Well , the answer is pretty obvious. HELL YES. You don't come tell me , "no la i ...
Newday, new life of my life.. thanks to all... 7 Oct 2011 | 05:41 am
For so long i didnt work up so much on this blog... Firstly, thanks to my good friends for being supported me. Thanks to Abg Djebat ICon who really care bout my talent and also shared with other frie...
Shareholder Revolt On Executive Pay Embarrasses Barclays Board But Changes Nothing 28 Apr 2012 | 05:29 am
Bankers have demonstrated how little they care about anything other than their personal greed in recent years but a revolt by a significant proportion of Barclays shareholders has certainly shown them...