Most cars made in japan related news are at:

Honda Crosstour 21 Jan 2013 | 12:30 pm
The Power of Victory In Your Hands! The Crosstour's smart technology lets you start your engine with a push of a button, and shit your transmission right from the steering wheel with the...
Test Drive: Lexus GS 350 14 Nov 2012 | 08:16 am
Eye Spy by Lexus Welcome to the million mile journal. A collection of stories about every mile, every lesson and every barrier we overcame when creating the Lexus GS. Take a look around and...
More cars made in japan related news:
Honda Civic Used Cars 3 May 2011 | 05:42 pm
The Honda Civic is a line of subcompact and subsequently compact cars made and manufactured by Honda. The Civic, along with the Accord and Prelude, comprised Honda's vehicles sold in North America unt...
Bimmer Street Racing 3D 17 Jan 2012 | 10:20 pm
Bimmer Street Racing 3D This is a well liked game for drivers mania in only Bimmer Street Racing 3D. Where you will fight with the racing car made ??by you on a challenging circuit with a lot of enemi...
Send Flower Arrangements Made By Japan Florist 28 Mar 2012 | 10:58 pm
I have been in a long distance relationship for almost two years now. It was very hard but we have to do things separately. We just look forward to the time when we can finally be together and would n...
Halal Dumplings 16 Apr 2012 | 08:00 am
A Japanese company has innovated to sell its food products to the huge market of Muslim customers overseas, but its diet law forbids them consuming some of the food and drink normally made in Japan. P...
Japan Top 10 Best Car Sellers in 2012 – Prius top ranking for 3 consecutive years 13 Jan 2012 | 04:42 pm
Japan Automobile Dealers Association has published the Top Best Car Sellers in Japan for the year of 2012. Toyota Prius is ranked no. 1 for 3 consecutive years with total sales of 252,528 units. In Ra...
Made in Japan – Yakult (ヤクルト) 11 Sep 2011 | 12:47 pm
Konbanwa! Hoje, tivemos a ideia de começar uma nova seção do blog, chamada Made in Japan (prometo que da próxima vez, pensarei em um nome mais original). Nesta parte, falaremos sobre alguns produtos j...
* MOMOTARO JEANS * ダブルヒップクロップドパンツ/Lot.P128RP Made in JAPAN 17 May 2012 | 04:50 pm
ワークパンツとして定番のペインターパンツを今までにないスタイルで表現したモデル。 P122-RPをベースに更に進化させた最新版モデルです! 素材にジンバブエコットンで超高密度に織り上げた10.5ozデニムを使用。 ジンバブエコットンの10番手綿糸をタテ&ヨコに使用しています・・・
* MOMOTARO JEANS * ジンバブエ天竺Tシャツ/Lot.MT301 Made in JAPAN 17 May 2012 | 04:51 pm
品名 S/STEE ジンバブエ天竺 素材 Zimbabwe cotton100% 色パターン 1.WHITE 2.RED 3.BLACK 4.ORANGE スタッフ着用サイズ 185cm/78kgサイズ:PANTS:w34 ◆S/S TEE:XL コメント 定番ジーンズ同様超高級綿のジンバブエコットンを100%使用した5,2オンスの天竺Tシャツ。 甘く撚っ・・・
* MOMOTARO JEANS * ダブルヒップクロップドパンツ/Lot.P128RP Made in JAPAN 17 May 2012 | 04:51 pm
ワークパンツとして定番のペインターパンツを今までにないスタイルで表現したモデル。 P122-RPをベースに更に進化させた最新版モデルです! 素材にジンバブエコットンで超高密度に織り上げた10.5ozデニムを使用。 ジンバブエコットンの10番手綿糸をタテ&ヨコに使用しています・・・
Fender Squier Made in Japan Shop 28 Aug 2011 | 08:35 pm
Gitarren, die sich nicht unter "Massenware" einordnen lassen, sind immer schwerer zum Finden. Die Fender und Squier Made in Japan Gitarren, sind ganz klar keine "Massenware". Alles wird heute millione...