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Free Logo DIY-Online! 28 Jul 2011 | 06:16 am
A catchy logo can really enhance the look of a website, even if you don’t have a catchy domain name. Domainers who do consider development also a part of domaining, know very well that getting a logo ...
How to Come Up With a Catchy Domain Name 27 Mar 2012 | 04:42 am
How do all those sites come up with catchy domain names? Some people have the creative bug and can just create things. I am not one of these people. As you can see from my domain here, while my name ...
How To Brand Your Business Online 2 Apr 2012 | 05:57 pm
Branding your business online is one of the most important things that you can do to secure your online success. However, branding doesn’t stop when you finally settle on a catchy company name – regar...
Best SEO tips for Beginners! 22 Jul 2011 | 09:44 pm
1st Choose a domain name - Create a web site URL, using keywords to your simple and catchy domain names. For example, if you plan to do on a website on weight loss, try using keyword weight loss in th...
How To Pick A Good Domain Name 27 Oct 2011 | 11:25 pm
These days, the most important aspect to branding your company is having a good domain name. Sure, having a catchy company name is great – but without a domain name that matches, trying to market ...
Spirit Sol 1144 24 Mar 2012 | 02:53 am
I like Torquas, mainly because for some reason it's easy to create catchy sequence names incorporating it. "Tool Change on Torquas" is today's sequence -- sounds like it oughta be an Edgar Rice Borrou...
What’s In A Name? – The Importance Of Having Great Newsletter Names 11 Oct 2011 | 07:13 pm
Regardless of the medium in which you are planning to publish your newsletter, having a good name or title for it can mean the difference between whether your newsletter is read or not. This can be ve...
Daily Email Newsletters 29 Jul 2011 | 05:27 pm
When starting a newsletter, there are several things that one needs to decide on. They have first to decide on a topic for the newsletter. And afterwards, they have to determine which newsletter name ...
Subscribe to Polar Newsletter 3 Jun 2010 | 03:20 am
Subscribe to our Newsletter Name: Email:
Where to Dine: La Bipolar 29 Mar 2012 | 02:15 pm
I don’t know how “La Bipolar” got its name, but I have to admit that it’s clever and catchy to name a restaurant this. Located in Kaly Malitzin in Coyaocan, Mexico City, the restaurant is a nicely de...