Most cbc news resistant bug related news are at:
– Get Rid of Bed Bugs
Is This a Bed Bug? (With Photos) 11 Nov 2012 | 04:13 am
While I’ve been personally bed bug free for just over two years (knock knock), I was reminded the other day of that wonderful feeling that arises with the scare of a possible re-infestation. And while...
Bed Bugs vs Carpet Beetle Larvae 20 Jan 2012 | 01:05 pm
A fortunate bi-product of knowing how to help people deal with bed bugs is customers who are happy to pay money for the service. This is great. But to be honest, we’re really not thrilled about having...
More cbc news resistant bug related news:
Bed Bugs carrying disease? 13 May 2011 | 11:32 am
Don’t panic yet! Many news sources such as the Associated Press and CBC are reporting the findings of MRSA and other harmful bacteria on bed bugs, suggesting the potential for these diseases to be tr...