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Sekirei Engagement Gokurakuin Visual Art Collection 5 Jun 2009 | 07:00 pm
Sekirei Engagement Gokurakuin Visual Art Collection Number of images: 26 Author: Sakurako Gokurakuin Series: Sekirei
Andre Martins de Barros 31 Oct 2010 | 12:03 pm
Art home, us, artwork gallery, business, information painter artist, contact, France Andre Martins de Barros - Paintings - beinArt Surreal Art Collective
Joe’s MAC (Music, Art & Collectibles) 13 Oct 2011 | 05:09 pm
Joe’s MAC is one of the most established retail outlet operating in Amcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya. MAC is referred to as Music, Art and Collectibles which means that you can find almost anything from the...
Freelance Journalism: Writing From the Heart 7 May 2012 | 08:23 am
Who says you can’t follow your passion? My years of freelance art journalism are exactly that – following my passion for modern and contemporary art, for art collecting, and of course, my love of ...
glamour for pretty ladies 7 Apr 2012 | 06:26 pm
it´s nice to get some bling Are you a big fan of online auctions? is an online auctioneer of jewelry, art, collectibles and much more. Sign-up for your free account and start biddin...
Artisanal Ansatz 5 Oct 2011 | 04:21 pm
Artisanal Ansatz is an art collective made up of a small group of Belgian designers that cite surrealism and caricature as chief influences. The group creates tee shirts with popular cultural staples ...
The Rules for Safe Art Collecting 16 Jan 2011 | 03:27 am
We don’t usually to view art collecting as a particularly risky pastime. Unlike skydiving or parasailing, the danger of injury in art collecting is relatively small. So should we have some basic rul...
Using the Internet to Achieve the Art Collection of Your Dreams 16 Jan 2011 | 02:19 am
The Internet has largely been a positive and wonderful thing since it became a worldwide forced at the beginning of the 1990s. It has opened up a whole new world of opportunity for everyone to tap int...
Building an Admirable Art Collection 23 Apr 2012 | 04:39 pm
The art piece you buy is something you’ll experience repeatedly – it’s worth considering why it speaks to you, and how long it might continue to do so. – Glen Helfand A good piece of art is a beauty ...
Operative Performance – Call for Submission 18 Oct 2010 | 06:07 am
The Berlin based media/art collective Wearechopchop will collaborate with invited media and performance artists to explore a syncretism of advances media technology, electronic music and the moving bo...