Most cdc zombies joke related news are at:

Zack & Zoey Book 2 is Ready! 5 Aug 2013 | 11:06 pm
I'm pleased to announce that Zack & Zoey Book 2: Zack & Zoey Save Walt's Brain is ready for publication! Editing and proofreading is complete and the book is just undergoing last minute formatting an...
Zack & Zoey Book 2, First Illustrations! 13 May 2013 | 11:50 pm
Yes, even though I haven't been updating the blog, I have been working. Zack & Zoey book 2 is currently in editing and I hope to have it released early next month. The illustrations are taking a litt...
More cdc zombies joke related news:
The Daily Shotgun: New DVD Releases May 29th 29 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
By: Henry J. Fromage - I like to joke about the bizarre titles that show up in the DVD release lists, but the one that catches my eye first off, Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies, will probably get a revie...
Shuffling Undead 23 May 2011 | 09:01 pm
In case you haven’t heard, last week the US CDC published a guide on how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse.
Fashion Zombie: The Walken Dead 22 May 2012 | 09:24 am
This week’s Fashion Zombie turns the spotlight on the Walken Dead. Is that a joke so obvious even your not-clever friend thought it up by the third episode of season 2 of The Walking Dead? It is. Is i...
CDC: Warning Of A "Zombie Apocalypse"? 21 May 2011 | 04:17 am
No joke! (have to laugh). I know, this has to be one. Just read below and enjoy!
Zombie Apocalypse 20 May 2011 | 04:21 pm
Surprisingly but it's true, U.S. Centers for Disease Control Warns Of Zombie Apocalypse. From the official CDC blog: "Many kinds of dangers out there that we have to prepare. Suppose the number of zo...
CDC in Atlanta Prepares for Zombie Attack (true story) 16 Dec 2011 | 04:36 pm
Is it really true? The United States of America is preparing for a real life zombie attack? They believe it so much, that the CDC in Atlanta is preparing our defense plan? While it sounds like somethi...
How to Prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse 21 May 2011 | 04:45 pm
Did you know that CDC EPR or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States has released a report on how to survive a zombie apocalypse? Too much spare time on their hands or a really...
Resident Evil Revelations: A Review 6 Mar 2012 | 03:39 am
Zombies! Only joking. Resident Evil doesn’t do zombies anymore, not entirely. Ever since Resident Evil 4 in 2005, the classic zombie-reinvigorating action survival horror franchise has played down the...
It Doesn’t Have To Be An April Fools Joke 2 Apr 2012 | 09:12 pm
I found a great article on the BBC, these are genuine stories from around the world of news which could easily be April Fools jokes. Ranging from Vladimir Putin’s Zombie Gun to the tuth about Beer Go...
CDC Unveils 'Wedding Day Survival Guide' 13 Jul 2012 | 10:14 pm
Hurricanes. Blackouts. The Zombie Appocolypse. Your Wedding. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has realized that planning for a wedding isn’t that much different from planning....