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Art Battle at the Mavis Goss Gala in Red Deer, AB! 13 Aug 2013 | 02:00 am
Art Battle is very excited to be holding our first Red Deer event at the Mavis Goss Open Gala! The Mavis Goss Open is a legacy to Mavis Goss who has organized many amazing golf tournaments over the y...
Verseskönyv Mészely Ilka illusztrációival 26 Jul 2013 | 12:06 am
Az AB-ART kiadó gondozásában jelent meg ez a kötet Z. Németh István verseivel, illusztrációit pedig Mészely Ilka készítette. Ilka illusztrációival a Csodaceruza oldalain is találkozhatnak Olvasóink...
Evolin 20 Mar 2012 | 01:28 am
LÄNK KUND Duni AB BYRÅ Pyramid Communication AB Strategi: Micco Grönholm Projektledning: Lisa Skarp Art Director: Henrik Stierna Copywriter: Jason Ross Webdes...
Un forum de cinema adevarat 26 Jul 2009 | 03:13 pm
Nu-mi (mai) plac forumurile de cinema. Cu ani buni in urma, cand imi dezvoltam pasiunea pentru cea mai juna dintre arte si ma autoconvingeam ca nimic nu e mai frumos pe lume decat sa vezi filme si sa ...
Martial Arts Master TV 29 Feb 2012 | 03:12 am
Hallo H4L Family, ab heute starten wir mit unserer neuen Serie "Martial Arts Masters TV". Wir bringen euch ab jetzt mindestens 1 mal pro Woche einen neuen Beitrag zu einer Technik aus verschiedenen K...
May Is National Masturbation Month, Have YOU Been Celebrating? 21 May 2012 | 09:47 am
Yes. It is true. May is National Masturbation Month. It’s a whole month officially recognized by the powers to be and dedicated to the manly art of meat beating. Just what is this holiday month all ab...
HTML Code jeglicher Art in Postings erlaubt! 11 Oct 2011 | 09:12 pm
Das bietet derzeit fast kein Bloghoster im deutschsprachigen Bereich und schon erst Recht kein Adulthoster! Ab sofort darfst Du in Deinen Postings HTML Code jeglicher Art frei verwenden! So kannst Du...
“Longest Poem” in the press 26 Aug 2009 | 03:25 am
19 Aug 2009: CNN Strangers gather on Web to make collective art 21 Aug 2009: The Telegraph ‘Longest poem in the world’ written on Twitter 24 Aug 2009: Adevarul Cum se scrie cea mai lunga poezie ...
Film's first detective film - 1911 - Le trust, ou les batailles de l’argent - The Trust, or The Battles for Money - Louis Feuillade 10 Nov 2010 | 11:16 am
Too often, there are works of art that fade into obscurity which deserve far greater recognition. Several months ago, when Film: Ab Initio began exploring ‘Film’s Forgotten Decade’ (i.e. the period be...
List of Qualified College Applicants 14 May 2012 | 12:43 pm
{tab=ARCHITECTURE} {slide=BSAR} {pdf}/images/entrance_results/bsar.pdf{/pdf} {/slide} {slide=BSID} {pdf}/images/entrance_results/bsid.pdf{/pdf} {/slide} {tab=ARTS AND SCIENCES} {slide=AB ECONOMICS}...