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Diamond Dash Bot v1.0 (free download) 9 May 2012 | 08:15 am
I created this as a programming challenge, not to cheat to achieve a high score. The goal is to achieve a maximum score within the given 60 seconds without powerups. The best I achieved so far is 2.6 ...
Gogopal GPS Navigator Q4.3 review 20 Mar 2012 | 04:33 am
Gogopal GPS has maps for both Malaysia and Singapore. It is available in 11 languages. SpeedNavi has a speed limit warning feature. The Q4.3 version has a RRP of RM299.
More celcom broadband related news:
Masalah USB Maxis dan USB Celcom Broadband : Connection Terminated bila try to connect to internet 6 Mar 2010 | 11:08 pm
Adakah anda mengalami masalah connection terminated apabila anda cuba dial up ke internet dengan menggunakan USB Maxis Broadband atau USB Celcom Broadband. Berikut adalah cara mudah bagi mengatasi mas...
~ i have a new broadband!!!!~ 24 Jul 2010 | 12:16 am
salam n hye.... hahhaa.....what a wonderful day...i just subscribed celcom broadband... ni sume kerana kebosanan duk umah without any entertainment la this is the broadband....limit...
mende2 yg menarik kat UiTM arau.. 23 May 2009 | 07:48 pm
huh.. dammnn.. networking in arau was so bad! i mean in this campus.. either for celcom broadband.. maxis broadband and also at CC.. it's not worth it to spend like RM3/hr for the "1Tbps".. damn!! Ok...
Maxis Broadband vs Celcom Broadband vs P1 Wimax vs Streamyx.... Mana Lagi Laju??? 8 Nov 2010 | 04:56 am
Assalamualaikum...... tuan2 dan puan2 sekalian, antara 4 jenis ISP (internet sevice provider) yg menjadi pilihan utama warga 1Malaysia ini mana satu kesukaan korang? secara jujur dan ikhlasnya aku dah...
CELCOM Broadband : SUCK!!! 28 Apr 2010 | 10:08 am
Pastinya anda sudah membaca post saya sebelum ni yang bertajuk CELCOM Broadband : Dimanakah Gahnya kan? Hari ni saya masih di dalam kekecewaan dan marah dengan CELCOM. Seharian tidak boleh surf intern...
Celcom Broadband Price Overview 17 Feb 2012 | 02:27 am
To many Broadband plans around ?Yeah right ,people using various ways to surt the Internet,WIFI,ADSL WIMAX ,3G ,3.5G 4G ,AGPS,WAP..etc.Hmmm...We do need difference plans . This post is short review f...
Kenapa pengguna CELCOM broadband mesti bangga punyai itu broadband...haaa 13 Dec 2010 | 02:02 am
SLMT MLM AHAD lg smua... eh3, di dalam diam-diam ubi berisi, dh 2 mgu hari ahad berturut2 aku post...haaa,x ka ajaib tu,kena rasuk hantu KAK LIMAH kah???...hahaha...ok stret 2 d lah kisahny...
Celcom Broadband for Youth ( RM60 = 1.5Mbps + 5GB ) 17 May 2012 | 07:20 pm
Now with lower monthly commitment, yet higher data volume, Celcom Broadband for Youth is the best plan for every young adult who wants to constantly keep up with the happenings of the online world. C...
My weekend Project: Resepi Biskut Sarang Semut 22 Aug 2011 | 01:30 am
Assalamualaikum, kejap-kejap nak sapu sawang sikit. Lama betul aku tak update blog ni. Biasalah celcom broadband aku ni dah exceed limit, so skrg ni agak lembap line tenet aku, tu yang susah sikit nak...
Celcom Broadband for Youth ( RM60 = 1.5Mbps + 5GB ) 17 May 2012 | 03:20 pm
Now with lower monthly commitment, yet higher data volume, Celcom Broadband for Youth is the best plan for every young adult who wants to constantly keep up with the happenings of the online world. C...