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Memo: Massimiliano Vado (Zeno Bauer) protagonista di puntata questa sera su Raiuno in Sposami 31 Oct 2012 | 05:27 pm
Per gli affezionati e le affezionate di Zeno Bauer, o di Massimiliano Vado in sè, questa sera c'è un appuntamento importante: su Raiuno va in onda la puntata finale di Sposami e Vado è protagonista di...
Una settimana di limmacce arretrate: dal 24 al 26 ottobre, puntata zompata compresa 31 Oct 2012 | 12:46 pm
Considerazioni generali - Un tempo Ettore seduceva bonazze per scippar loro i patrimoni, ora dà via patrimoni per conquistare le bonazze. Centovetrine - Puntata 2737 del 24 ottobre 2012 - Diana che...
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Re: Video Mediaset gratis serie tv film eventi 11 Jun 2012 | 01:01 am
vorrei vedere on line le puntate della nuova serie visitors che fanno al venerdì su italia 1. Visto che alcune le ho perse. Come date la possibilità di rivedere grande fratello, zelig e cento vetrine....
Centos Postfix bad email syntax 解决方法 23 Dec 2011 | 06:21 pm
作者:橘子 本文地址: 在服务器上安装了postfix、dovecot、spamassassin,配置感觉没有啥问题,但是每天logwatch发来的邮件都会显示有下面的错误日志:在gg里面搜了很久的postfix bad address syntax的错误解决方案,都是说在配置里面加上allow_min_user这个选项, ...
Upgrade CentOS 5 to PHP 5.2 23 Nov 2010 | 11:44 pm
When installing latest CentOS version 5.5 you will notice that when you install PHP, the latest version you are getting is version 5.1. In order to add the latest CentOS version of PHP which is 5.2.10...
Mail Server Setup Guide for RHEL/CentOS 6 1 Aug 2011 | 01:12 am
This article will show you how to setup an email server accessible using a POP3, IMAP or web browser client. It will also show you how to include virus scanning and spam tagging in the mail server. If...
Postfix SMTP Authentication and Dovecot SASL for RHEL/CentOS 6 1 Aug 2011 | 12:28 am
SMTP Authentication (SMTP Auth) provides an access control mechanism that can be used to allow legitimate users to relay mail while denying relay service to unauthorized users, such as spammers. Conf...
Firewall Configuration Howto for RHEL/CentOS 6 31 Jul 2011 | 07:17 pm
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and its derivative CentOS 6 includes a graphical tool called Firewall Configuration for configuring the firewall options. This article describes how to use the Firewall Conf...
SquirrelMail Webmail Setup Howto for RHEL/CentOS 6 25 Jul 2011 | 04:56 am
SquirrelMail is an open source standards-based webmail package written in PHP. When installed, SquirrelMail is ready out of the box. All it needs is an installed web server like Apache, SMTP server li...
Install Clam AntiVirus on your centos server 20 May 2012 | 02:26 pm
Secure the SSHD Service on your centos server 20 May 2012 | 02:25 pm
Step 1: First of all we need to make a regular user, since we are disabling direct root login: Step 2: Backup your current sshd_config Step 3: Create a new sshd_config file Step 3.1: Paste this cod...
Install LMD (Linux Malware Detect) on centos server 20 May 2012 | 01:59 pm
Product Name: LMD ( Linux Malware Detect ) Product Version: v1.4.1 | Nov 20th 2011 Homepage: Description: Linux Malware Detect (LMD) is a malware ...