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Setting Up PhpMyAdmin on Nginx 6 Sep 2011 | 11:43 pm
PhpMyAdmin is one of the most rock-solid MySQL server administration tools out there – it provides a friendly GUI to managing your databases, and is bundled on the vast majority of hosting servers now...
centos+nginx+php+php_mogilefs扩展的上传文件502错误 8 Dec 2011 | 06:18 pm
centos+nginx+php+php_mogilefs扩展的上传文件502错误 通过php-fpm的日志发现提示undefined symbol: ne_set_connect_timeout错误。意思是ne_set_connect_timeout未定义 查看php的mogilefs扩展到源码mogilefs.c源码发现。该扩展引用了 #include <ne_socket.h> #i...
CentOS, Nginx, MySQL, PHP 27 Nov 2012 | 06:43 pm
sakura vps ちょっと弄ってみた。 環境:CentOS 6.3, Nginx 1.2.3 phpインストール デフォルトでphp入ってたので削除 既存のphpをアンインストール 標準のリポジトリにはphp-fpmがないため、REMIレポジトリを追加する。 必要なライブラリをインストール バージョン確認 php-fpm 起動 nginx confファイル編集 php-mysql インストール...
Centos Nginx 中文文件名 7 Jan 2013 | 11:38 am
[root@test]# locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=”en_US.UT [...]
WordPress on Win08, Win12, and CentOS+NGINX 26 Aug 2013 | 11:08 pm
So… I’ve been reading a lot about nginx and how awesome it performs. It sounds magical! The Issue My blog (running WordPress) hasn’t been running as fast as I (or Google) would like. The TTFB (time to...
WordPress on Win08, Win12, and CentOS+NGINX 26 Aug 2013 | 11:08 pm
So… I’ve been reading a lot about nginx and how awesome it performs. It sounds magical! The Issue My blog (running WordPress) hasn’t been running as fast as I (or Google) would like. The TTFB (time to...
Установка Ngnix с PHP (и PHP-FPM) и MySQL на CentOS 6 14 Nov 2011 | 03:02 pm
Nginx (произносится как "engine x") является свободным, открытым исходным кодом, высокопроизводительный HTTP-сервер. Nginx известен своей стабильностью, богатым набором функций, простая настройка и ни...
MAPn v3.1 Stable 一键安装包正式版发布 30 Oct 2011 | 02:54 am
MAPn 是一个用于 Linux(CentOS/RedHat/Debian/Ubuntu) 系统的服务环境自动编译程序,具有 MAP(lamp) & MAPn(lnamp) 模式并可随意切换; MAPn 是以 MySQL + Apache + PHP + Nginx(可选) 的安装顺序命名; MAPn 默认安装为 MAP 模式,选择 MAP+n 模式将以 Nginx 作为服务器前端运行,Apach...
Qlnmp下载 6 Apr 2012 | 03:14 pm
Qlnmp2.0 是一个 Nginx + Mysql + PHP + Apche(可选)环境自动部署工具, 完全根据不同的硬件配置智能调优配置参数,包含安全证书双向验证的WEB管理工具、TLS + SSL 加密传输的FTP以及完全模块化选择的安装方式。适用于Redhat / Centos 5.x 32位和64位的操作系统。 什么是 Qlnmp? Qlnmp 是一个在Linux上使用源码编译和...
Website Administration - Site Performance Improvement with NGINX 10 Mar 2012 | 07:07 am
Our PlaneViz site is hosted as a VPS (Virtual Private Server) at Rackspace. It runs on the CentOS flavor of Linux, which comes with the ubiquitous Apache web server. Apache and WordPress (in lean env...