Most centos update php related news are at:

Sadiq And Roqqayah Getting Married 20 May 2013 | 02:40 pm
With warm congratulations to a very special pair. May you always find in each other the love, laughter and happiness that only partners in life share! Office Website, Facebook, Google+
Working with Raspberry Pi Camera Rev 1.3 19 May 2013 | 06:15 pm
Fastest online delivery I had ever experienced was with Raspberry Pi Camera from RS Components. I received the package in 3days for a shipment fee of 8 USD. The setup was very straight forward and si...
More centos update php related news:
Feniks z popiołu 27 Nov 2009 | 10:50 am
Po podjęciu desperackiej próby przywrócenia tej strony, wraz z wykonaniem aktualizacji do 6.14 okazało się, że istnieje rozwiązanie problemu z białym ekranem (WSOD) przy wywołaniu update.php. Włączeni...
Installing Transmission on CentOS *updated* 15 Jun 2011 | 05:30 am
Have VPS or dedicated server ? Downloading torrents will be never easier. 1- SSH into you server 2- add Geekery repository to Yum RHEL/CentOS 5 RHEL/CentOS 6 NOTE: x86_64 users have to replace $a...
Nouveau PHP, nouveau blog 3 May 2012 | 08:04 am
Mon hébergeur ayant updaté PHP à la version 5.3 et Dotclear ne supportant (toujours pas) cette version de PHP, son code étant vieux comme le monde, j’ai décidé de me mettre à jour et ai donc installé ...
PHP Documentation update 29 Jul 2011 | 02:22 am
PHP Documentation update PHP tiene varias características nueva documentación que la comunidad debe tener en cuenta: pman - páginas PHP hombre $ Pear install / pman $ Pman strlen (este...
centos+nginx+php+php_mogilefs扩展的上传文件502错误 8 Dec 2011 | 06:18 pm
centos+nginx+php+php_mogilefs扩展的上传文件502错误 通过php-fpm的日志发现提示undefined symbol: ne_set_connect_timeout错误。意思是ne_set_connect_timeout未定义 查看php的mogilefs扩展到源码mogilefs.c源码发现。该扩展引用了 #include <ne_socket.h> #i...
Update PHP to the latest version on Debian Lenny 3 Oct 2010 | 11:40 pm
It’s easier than you think. First you have to add the dotdeb packages to the /etc/apt/sources.list file 1 2 deb stable all deb-src stable all ...
Updated Php code to query PageRank from Google 18 Dec 2009 | 09:50 am
Thanks very much to MyVodaFone at DP for this code. It’s been very useful for me. I know that there are a lot of sites with the infamous “pagerank.php” code, but that died a month or so ago I’m told. ...
Update PHP 5.2 and MySQL 5.0 to PHP 5.3.8 and MySQL 5.5.15 on CentOS 5.5 1 Sep 2011 | 04:28 pm
To upgrade PHP and mysql on CentOS we cannot rely on the ‘yum update’ command as CentOS default repositories don’t provide versions above PHP 5.2 and MySQL 5.0.77. So we will have to rely on alternati...
Update PHP on Virtualmin 3 Mar 2012 | 08:16 am
I’m using Virtualmin to manage some servers (both physical or VPS) and I’m pretty confidence to say that this is the best freeware for server control panel. Virtualmin currently provide PHP 5.1 (I’m ...
Typography Updates 8 Jul 2009 | 07:15 am
PHP Typography and wp-Typography projects have been updated to versions 1.0 beta 4. permalink © Copyright KINGdesk, LLC, some rights reserved.