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В Ак-Суйском районе дополнительно выявлено 17 контактных человек с умершим от бубонной чумы подростком, - Минздрав 27 Aug 2013 | 05:21 pm
В селе Ичке-Жергез Ак-Суйского района Иссык-Кульской области дополнительно выявлено 17 контактных человек с умершим от бубонной чумы подростком. Как сообщает пресс-служба Министерства здравоохранения,...
Раннее выявление и лечение женских онкологических заболеваний обсуждают в Душанбе 27 Aug 2013 | 05:20 pm
Вопросы раннего выявления и лечения женских онкологических заболеваний обсуждают в Душанбе специалисты-онкологи, акушер-гинекологи, семейные врачи и представители гражданского сектора на конференции «...
More central asia news related news:
Tajikistan 31 Jul 2008 | 03:37 am
A Persian-speaking outpost in a predominantly Turkic region, Tajikistan is the odd man out in Central Asia. The country is a patchwork of self-contained valleys and regional contrasts, forged together...
Buddhism of history 13 Mar 2011 | 09:31 pm
Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of Siddhārth Gautam Buddh, who lived between 566 and 486 BCE. Originating in India, Buddhism gradually spread throughout Asia to Central Asia, Sri Lanka, ...
'Three Cups Of Tea' Author Greg Mortenson Still Being Burned By Fraud Scandal 1 May 2011 | 11:45 am
"Three Cups Of Tea" author Greg Mortenson continues to face charges that his story was fabricated and the financial statements for his foundation, Central Asia Institute (CAI), are faulty. As fallout ...
Garlic clove is the most effective remedy against many diseases 11 Oct 2011 | 11:50 pm
Garlic is one of the most ancient spices. It was cultivated in Central Asia 3000 years BC. Pythagoras called this plant the king of all spices. The cultivation of garlic is very simple. Garlic clove ...
Asia News:Chinese Communist party axes ex-minister 29 May 2012 | 07:12 pm
The Asian news: Beijing, May 29: Liu Zhijun, a former railway minister (IANS), has been expelled from the Communist Party of China due to “serious disciplinary violations” including corruption, China...
Travel Business Success Award Winner Video Interview Series: Karma Quest 26 Oct 2011 | 03:51 pm
How did Wendy Brewer Lama use strategic partnerships, her website and client testimonials to double her tour sales, plus conserve natural resources in central Asia and win Outside Magazine’s... If ...
Horse Racing Throughout the History 2 Mar 2011 | 11:52 pm
Man has been known to use horses for racing since this specie was first domesticated. Historical evidences reveal that as early as 4500 BC, the nomadic people of Central Asia has already developed sys...
Картридж, тонер, печатающие головки, принтер, HP, Canon, Lexmark 11 Jan 2012 | 01:33 am
ТОО «PRONTO Central Asia». Авторизованный дистрибьютор и крупный оптовик, ниже указанных марок производителя в Европе, странах СНГ и в Африке. Со средствами логистики в Европе (Garge-Les Gonesse, Фран...
Lowongan bank BCA 20 May 2012 | 08:13 pm
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA) merupakan salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia. Dengan berbagai macam layanan produk dan jasa, BCA memiliki lebih dari 10 juta rekening nasabah yang dapat dilayani me...
Peshawar History 25 Dec 2010 | 08:38 pm
The heart of the North West Frontier Province, Peshawar is an exciting city in Pakistan. According to the history, Peshawar is the meeting point of the Central Asia and subcontinent. It comes it's nam...