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Why Join a Cerebral Palsy Support Group? 20 Jul 2011 | 12:26 am
There is no doubt in the world that you love your child more then life itself. However, raising a child with cerebral palsy can be a challenging task. There are constant hurtles to be jumped in all fa...
Life Expectancy for Adults with Cerebral Palsy 30 Oct 2009 | 12:09 am
Do you feel that you will learn enough from this article to help you out with the subject matter at hand? Doctors forlorn are not experts the life imagineancy for adults with cerebral palsy. Only a s...
Get On The Bus : Doctor. Stephen Dantzig Releases ‘Get Up, Your Bus Is Here ‘ Living MY Life With Cerebral Palsy As An Electronic Book ; Charities C... 2 May 2012 | 06:44 pm
Stephen Dantzig, Psy.D. Announced the release of his autobiography detailing his accomplishments and struggles growing up and living alongside Cerebral Palsy. He also announced an affiliate marketing ...
Fort Myers Birth Injury Lawyer: Parents and Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis 23 Apr 2012 | 08:00 pm
It doesn’t seem fair. Why did your baby suffer cerebral palsy? Why your family? Sadly, there are some things in life that go unanswered and just don’t make sense. Although we know why this Florida bi...
Family to raise £35k for boy's op 2 Oct 2012 | 07:38 pm
Family and friends of a nine-year-old boy are hoping to raise £35,000 for him to have a life-changing operation which will help him walk unaided. James Dwight has spastic diplegic cerebral palsy whic...
Josh Blue Takes “Cerebral” Out of “Cerebral Palsy” 1 Dec 2012 | 02:40 am
JOSH BLUE Comedian, Cerebral Palsy is a Laughing Matter Josh Blue’s quirky view on life, and cerebral palsy, helped him win top “Last Comic Standing” honors and a full-time career as a comic. But plea...
My Child Without Limits 14 Dec 2012 | 05:33 am
“For people with a broad spectrum of disabilities, life should be without limits.” – United Cerebral Palsy website Every parent wants to give his or her child opportunities to lead a full, productive...
Little boy impaired by stroke exceeds expectations 19 Jan 2013 | 05:38 am
Hunter was 6 months old when a neurologist informed his family that an in-utero stroke had resulted in cerebral palsy, a brain injury than can impair movement, learning, hearing, vision and cognitive ...
How Sore are you Today? 3 Jun 2013 | 12:02 am
No Excuses Check out this video about Scott Belkner. Scott has Cerebral Palsy and it has not dampened his enthusiasm, his drive, his attitude or his life. His mother telling the doctor “Hell NO,” whe...
Laura’s Tribute to Brian, Her Son 13 Jul 2013 | 09:06 pm
Years later, a child’s life brings warm memories A Mother’s tribute to her son Although the majority of children with cerebral palsy will live long, healthy lives, for some – like Brian McDonald, 21...