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Buick Goes Old School With New Regal GNX 12 Mar 2012 | 05:00 pm
The Buick Regal is headed back to its muscle car roots. During the 1980s, GM produced a limited enhanced version of Regal, supercharged and holding a unique designation - Grand National. It's better k...
Cern Sft Template Information 27 Mar 2012 | 02:58 pm
Abstract - Provide a short (one paragraph) description of your proposal. Nowadays it is necessary to paralellize code most importantly within science areas and given the advanages that ROOT brings to ...
Installing ROOT Libraries 21 Mar 2012 | 01:46 pm
Hello rooters!! To install ROOT libraries from sources please see To install on debia....
pam_limits(crond:session): unknown limit item ‘noproc’ 18 Apr 2012 | 12:30 am
今天查看/var/log/secure日志文件,发现里面出现大量的错误,如下: [root@localhost log]# cat /var/log/secure|more Mar 16 00:00:01 localhost crond[11717]: pam_limits(crond:session): unknown limit item ‘noproc’ Mar 16 00:00:01...
Control Apache CPU, Memory, and Processes with httpd.conf 14 Mar 2010 | 08:42 am
The following Apache HTTPD directives are for controlling processes launched by Apache children. Raising the maximum resource limit requires that the server is running as root, or in the initial start...
A "Green" Garden Part 2 18 May 2011 | 03:22 am
"One of the easiest root crops to grow is potatoes. Plus, they're fun to grow" However if like us, you are limited on space, you may think you can't. Think again. This project is super easy, perfect...
Adaptivity CMO to Present at Cloud Expo East 7 Apr 2010 | 09:15 pm
The “root cause” of IT delivery limitations is directly linked to how systems are designed, built and implemented. In his session at the 5th International Cloud Expo, Brian Sledge, Chief Marketing Off...
Adaptivity CEO to Present at Cloud Expo East 6 Apr 2010 | 03:00 pm
The “root cause” of IT delivery limitations is directly linked to how systems are designed, built and implemented. Designing and implementing Cloud in an Enterprise requires a multi-dimensional design...
Root and ClockworkMod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 3G/4G GT-P7500 19 Feb 2012 | 04:51 am
There are many reasons you would want to root your Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 GT-P7500 regardless of it being 3G or 4G. If you root them you can lift yourself of the forced limitations that have been pla...
By: In4mation Roots x Culture 420 Pack 19 Apr 2011 | 05:36 pm
[...] In4mation will be releasing the limited 420 pack at all In4mation stores and Aloha Army. Check out the collection after the jump. [...]