Most cerro torre related news are at:

Pingwiny Magellana – Galeria w Drodze 18 Mar 2013 | 02:28 am
Od piątku, 15 marca 2013 do następnego piątku, 22 marca metrem jeżdżą moje Pingwiny Magellana. Miłej jazdy :). Wpis Pingwiny Magellana – Galeria w Drodze ukazał się na witrynie: Piotr Celiński – gale...
Pokaz slajdów z Kamczatki w Studenckim Klubie Górskim 3 Mar 2013 | 11:51 pm
Zapraszam na autorski pokaz slajdów z Kamczatki w Studenckim Klubie Górskim. Gdzie: Aula Starego BUWu, Kampus Główny UW, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28. Kiedy: środa, 20 marca 2013, godzina 20:15...
More cerro torre related news:
Cerro Torre Westwand – Michi Lerjen und Korra Pesce gelingt die 13. Begehung der “Ragni Route”… 24 Nov 2011 | 04:21 am
Dem Schweizer Michi Lerjen aus Zermatt und dem Italiener Korra Pesce aus Chamonix gelang Anfang November 2011 die 13. Begehung der wenig begangenen “Ragni Route” (AI5+ M4 MI6 (mushroom ice))... Cerro...
Jason Kruk – Cerro Torre Unleashed 16 Feb 2012 | 01:19 pm
Jason Kruk and Hayden Kennedy are guest speakers for the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival’s closing night February 18, 7:30pm at Centennial Theatre in North Vancouver. As far as big, bo...
Escándalo de escalo en el Cerro Torre de Patagonia 25 Jun 2012 | 06:19 pm
La cresta sudoeste del Cerro Torre de Patagonia es uno de los picos más difíciles. Es famoso por su pendiente extremo y los caprichos del tiempo. Todavía en los años 1950 se consideró imposible la esc...
Cerro Torre - Vetta per Andrea!! 2 Dec 2012 | 09:01 pm
Comunichiamo con orgoglio che le scorse settimane Andrea Di Donato insieme a Colin Haley sono saliti sulla vetta del Cerro Torre per la via dei Ragni!! Congratulazioni al grande Andrea, con la speran...
Cerro Torre - Vetta per Andrea Di Donato 22 Dec 2012 | 11:39 pm
Andrea e Colin in vetta al Cerro Torre Comunichiamo con orgoglio che le scorse settimane Andrea Di Donato insieme a Colin Haley sono saliti sulla vetta del Cerro Torre per la via dei Ragni!! Congrat...
David Lama Heads Back to Patagonia: Plus Photos of New Route 16 Jan 2013 | 09:32 pm
Jan. 16, 2013 Following his groundbreaking first free ascent of the Compressor Route (5.13b) on Cerro Torre last year, David Lama is on his way back to the Patagonian mountains with a wild new first a...
Dritte Winterbegehung des Cerro Torre nach 14 Jahren durch Siegrist, Huber, Arnold und Villavicencio 20 Aug 2013 | 09:31 pm Stephan Siegrist, Dani Arnold, Thomas Huber und Matias Villavicencio gelang in Patagonien die Besteigung des Cerro Torre (3128 M.ü.M.) im Winter. Die letzte bekannte Winterbesteigu...
Angelina Torres plays with cock 14 Mar 2012 | 04:56 am
If you like hot shemale pornstar I am sure that you with big pleasure watch presented clips. There are Angelina Torres. She is playing with her big tranny cock and small asshole. I must to say that An...
Dara Torres is still famous I guess 9 Apr 2010 | 07:00 am
Remember Dara Torres, the "older" lady who won medals in the last Summer Olympics. Well, I guess she's still kind of famous months later since she appears here in something called City and Shore magaz...
Pubblicità della SKODA Yeti a Barcellona 17 Mar 2010 | 09:28 am
In questi giorni si è trasformata in un tormentone in Italia, eppure il video della pubblicità della SKODA YETI è stato girato a Barcellona.Si riconoscono nelle immagini non solo la Torre Agbar (il "c...