Most cfi social media watch related news are at:

社会化商业解决支持产品BuzzOpt正式开放内测邀请 12 Dec 2011 | 02:31 am
2012年12月8日,智恒互动网站上线了,庆功宴归来,各种感慨,骨子里的不安分转化成“创业”鸡血,回顾一堆年,创业三次,第一次连办公室都没有,第二次@中海互动 刚开始时连营业执照都没有,而第三次@智恒互动 确实准备如此完备才推出,但也代表着一次新的创业征程的开始~~~(摘自我的微博) 企业借助社交网络开展营销工作已经从概念进入到实施阶段,2011年是社交网络营销快速发展的一年,企业开尝试更深度的...
未来不可知,躁动已开始 19 Nov 2010 | 06:02 am
More cfi social media watch related news:
Fair Trade and Social Media: Watch & Learn 01 [@FairtradeUK] 7 Mar 2012 | 06:27 am
The more producers’ organizations we meet on the road, the more we understand the importance of Social Media as a way to promote your fair trade business. Indeed, Social Media is a great way to engage...
Just how big is social media? Watch this 15 Oct 2009 | 05:23 am
Gary Hayes from put together this very neat little widget which visualises the hyper-growth in usage of social media.
Webcast #3 - The Impact and Influence of Social Media 16 May 2012 | 10:27 pm
Watch our third webcast from the Insider here...
Social Media Watch Launches 13 Nov 2007 | 06:50 am
Social media, in its purest form, is not the best way to use Social Media. After months of research, I now realize that social media websites like Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Propeller, and Mixx are go...
How Big is Social Media? 10 Aug 2010 | 03:35 am
If Facebook Was A Country, It Would Be The World’s 4th Largest What the f**k is the Social Media? Watch it – you’ll find out some facts that will surprise you, no matter how engaged in social media y...
NOKIA的“全社交网络发布会”深度剖析 4 Sep 2010 | 06:20 pm
这是CFI-social media watch 第十九期深刻点评的一个案例,写的比较深刻,所以拿过来在博客里和大家分享。同时social media watch第十九期以及前几期的全部在线阅读和下载链接在这里,也欢迎大家follow我的新浪微博@艾颂和我一起讨论,同时希望大家也关注中海互动的新浪微博@中海互动。 2010年8月25日上午10点,NOKIA公司在其活动官网、新浪微博、开心网、人人...
中海互动social media watch第九期 28 Jun 2010 | 04:28 am
作为中海互动的CEO,我很正式的推荐大家阅读中海互动本期的社会化媒体观察周刊《social media watch》——第九期,本期的内容确实比较精彩,非常值得一读。这本周刊获得了许多朋友的支持和帮助,大部分读者是通过@中海互动的新浪微博知道有这么一本刊物存在的,微博平台是中海互动积极参与社会化媒体开展自身营销的一个重要平台,非常感谢大家的关注和支持。 本期从社交媒体产品设计角度发表了我们对于各...
Webcast #3 - The Impact and Influence of Social Media 16 May 2012 | 03:27 pm
Watch our third webcast from the Insider here...
Social Media Policy. One more ToDo4u 24 Feb 2011 | 02:46 am
Social Media policy is a must if you run a business, (and would like to continue to do so This little video is worth a thousand words and then some, even though it’s too annoying to watch for long. ...
How to Stay Productive As a Web Developer 4 Nov 2011 | 07:18 pm
Where do you find the time? It’s a question I’m asked weekly. Three nights a week I attend a web professionals meeting, social media chat, or local networking event. I watch at least two webinars eve...