Most cha cha real smooth related news are at:

Urban Legend 23 Aug 2013 | 05:53 pm
There is a legend. It goes like this;There was once a girl who looked a lot like me who met a boy she thought was handsome. After a couple conversations, she realized that this boy, while handsome, wo...
The Party's Over, My Friend 14 Aug 2013 | 11:55 pm
My head has already turned on the lights. It has closed the top on the piano and replaced the party soundtrack with silence. It is swishing a push broom through the streamers and glitter and confetti ...
More cha cha real smooth related news:
NOTD - H&M Cha Cha 30 Jun 2010 | 02:29 pm
This is another jewell from wonderful Lily. It's so sad that H&M doesn't sell their polishes in US. Very nice formula and smooth application. It's slight holographic so it's not boring at all but it's...
Real shakers 6 Nov 2011 | 11:01 am
Some famous dance steps taught simply! Try them out! Amplify’d from u6O_g91GoeY 2:38 Cupid Shuffle 3,320 views - 11 months ago u6O_g91GoeY zXJVQHz0UZU 4:53 The Cha Cha Slide ...
Chaînes françaises en clair ! 24 Mar 2013 | 07:35 pm
Pour ceux que cela intéresse et ceux qui ne connaissent pas déjà : TF1 HD, M6 HD, TF1, M6, W9 et Real Madrid TV sont en FTA (en clair ) sur Eutelsat 9A (9°E). Notez que les noms de ces chaînes sont s...
Tealosophy – A loja de chás da Realeza 22 Aug 2013 | 08:38 pm
Hoje mais uma dica quente de Buenos Aires. Conheci uma loja de chás fantástica! A loja se chama “Tealosohpy” da poderosa dos chás Inês Berton, que reza a lenda que faz os blends para a família real br...