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More chainsaw related news:
Crescendo: The Making of Gears 3 23 Jul 2011 | 06:21 am
From choppers to chainsaws to graffiti, Gears of War 3 rolled out the big guns at an exclusive panel at San Diego’s Comic-Con International this evening. Starring Epic Games Cliff Bleszinski and Rod F...
HTML5 Chainsaw For Destroying Lame April Fools' Jokes 1 Apr 2011 | 10:01 pm
In the past (see below) I've participated in April Fools' jokes, but this year I'm going the other way. Drag the image below to your bookmarks bar and you've got yourself an HTML5 chainsaw for destro...
Signature Chainsaw Carvings from Pete Ryan 22 Mar 2011 | 11:34 am
Chainsaw Carving a Bear This chainsaw carving primer illustrates the demanding control and precision needed for this unlikely art form. Three projects include instructions Yukon Moose Chainsaw Carvi...
Trees down after severe wind storm 20 Mar 2012 | 07:34 pm
Trees down in Taupo on the 19 march 2012 on the mountain bike tracks, click on the link for a more in-depth overview of track damage, looks like we will need all chainsaws on hand http://www.biketaupo...
Gears of Love 26 Mar 2009 | 02:39 am
Gears of Love By Marcus Fenix If the greatest invention of the 19th century was antiseptics, then the greatest invention of this century has to be a gun with a chainsaw on the back of it....
Black & Decker CCS818 18-Volt Cordless Electric Chain Saw 29 May 2012 | 05:49 pm
Best Deals Product Description Black & Decker CCS818 18-Volt Cordless Electric Chain Saw: 18V, Cordless Chainsaw, 8″ Cutting Bar and Chain Allows For A Maximum Cutting Capacity, 18V NiCd Battery Pr...
Earthwise CCS30008 18-Volt 8-Inch Cordless Chain Saw 29 May 2012 | 05:46 pm
Best Deals Product Description Earthwise CCS30008 18-Volt 8-Inch Cordless Chain Saw: Hedge clippers not enough? The lightweight, fume – free Earthwise Cordless 8″ Chainsaw slices through small jobs...
Homemade steak-knife-chainsaw. Yep. (1 video) 24 May 2012 | 06:38 pm
If there was ever a case to be made against, it would be that it allows this guy to buy the things he needs to make a homemade ‘chainsaw’ weapon out of steak knives and a handheld drill. I...
Kaizer DRSSTC II playing Doom 1 – Episode 1 14 Feb 2012 | 11:43 pm
First song played on one of my DRSSTCs is the legendary soundtrack from Doom 1 – Episode 1, this is not only cool but brings me back to a childhood where it was normal to run around with a chainsaw ki...
12 North Exclusive Lollipop Chainsaw Photos! 23 May 2012 | 01:28 pm
12 North Photography’s First issue, featuring myself as Juliet Starling!! Check out the magazine to get an exclusive interview with me talking about Lollipop Chainsaw and life as Juliet Starling, alo...