Most chanel nagellack sommer 2011 related news are at:
butter London Nail Polish Remover 26 Aug 2013 | 09:24 pm
When I was in New York last winter I picked up a nail polish remover set by butter London. It contained 3 different removers, one of which I used up some months ago – Sergeant Peppermint if I remember...
Clarins Self Tanning Instant Gel 25 Aug 2013 | 04:17 pm
No matter what they tell you, sunbeds are NOT healthy. Self tanners probably aren’t as well, but I’d like to think of them as “less unhealthy”. When your body is pale like mine and a company trip to t...
More chanel nagellack sommer 2011 related news:
Meine liebsten Sommer-Nagellacke 30 Jul 2013 | 11:28 pm
Derzeit grassiert die "Ich stelle meine liebsten Produkte vor"-Welle in Blogger-Kreisen. Bei Mangoblüte reicht die Liebe vom Louis Vuitton-Haargummi bis zum Chanel-Puder, Sarah von Josie loves geht oh...