Most chanel peridot swatch related news are at:

MUG SHOT: Bacon nails (or using your manicure to make a political statement) 27 Aug 2013 | 12:36 am
Like most people in the Philippines, I am furious about the pork barrel scam. It was the newspaper I work for that first broke the story and the more information they dug up, the angrier we all got. ...
MUG SHOT: Glam Polish Star Candy (or what I wore when I met Taylor Lautner) 24 Aug 2013 | 11:35 pm
Taylor Lautner arrived in Manila during a really crazy week. I had been running around like a headless chicken, juggling articles I had to write, interviews I needed to do, a talk I had to give, event...
More chanel peridot swatch related news:
Chanel Peridot Swatch 31 Jul 2011 | 11:19 pm
Ok Orly's Sweet Peacock may have lost it's title as my favorite polish already. After seeing a picture of Péridot in the Viva Magazine (New Zealand Herald) I had to have it. So I bused to Auckland. F...
CHANEL PERIDOT # 531 23 Oct 2011 | 03:23 pm
Birsürü koşuşturma,maceradan sonra yepyeni bir maceradayım:) Evlilikten sonra şimdi de iş için geldiğim Columbus Ohio'dan bugün itibariyle Toronto'ya geldim. Columbus'u o kadar çok sevdim ki.. Kesinl...
Guest Post on Also Known As - Chanel Peridot 18 Aug 2011 | 11:31 am
Hey everyone! Something a little different for today! Last week the lovely Kellie from Also Known As asked me to do a guest post for her and it is now live on her blog! I absolutely love Kellie and he...
OPI - Into the Night 4 Jun 2012 | 09:07 pm
Because of the Chanel "Peridot" duplicate (which I'm as tired seeing as crackle nail polishes), I have not immediately given much attention to the OPI Spiderman collection. But because everything is w...
[Preview] CG - New Bohemian Collection 24 Mar 2012 | 08:41 am
Ich kann gar nicht sagen, wie sehr ich mich immer noch darüber freue, dass Chanel sich letztes Jahr dazu entschlossen hat, einen grün-goldenen Lack mit dem schönen Namen Peridot herauszubringen. Zwar ...
Autumn Preview 8 Oct 2011 | 12:59 am
Camiseta || Camiseta: Zara Pantalones || Pantalones: Zara Bolso || Bag: Tienda Segovia Botas || Boots: Zara Esmalte de uñas || Nail Polish: Chanel 531 Peridot Ahora es cuando empieza a hacer calo...
The Latest Layering Polishes- Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure & Chanel Illusion d'Or 28 Apr 2010 | 09:35 am
We interrupt the planned subject of this blogcast with this breaking news: I have some swatches for you! Let me tell you about my two new best friends: Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure and Chanel Illusi...
Chanel- Delight Nail Polish Swatch 6 May 2012 | 02:13 am
I've really been looking forward to the release of Chanel's summer collection, and that's only because of one nail polish: Delight. Today I found it, and before deciding whether to buy or not, I tried...
Chanel Rouge Coco Shine "Aventure" - Tragebild und Swatch 18 Mar 2011 | 09:03 am
Rouge Coco Shine ist die glossig glänzende Version des allseits beliebten Rouge Coco. Der Lippenstift ist in 18 frischen und supernatürlichen Nuancen erhältlich. Dementsprechend schwer ist mir auch di...
Review & Swatch: Chanel Rouge Coco 11 Jun 2012 | 02:31 am
Da! Un alt Rouge Coco :D Ce sa fac??? Am si eu piticii mei :D Nuanta de acum este preferata mea. Este vorba despre un roz deschis putin shimmery. Nuanta se numeste Magnolia 117. Despre Rouge Coco am m...