Most chaos space marines chapters related news are at:

Blightlord Projects Completed 1 Aug 2013 | 05:19 am
In addition to completing my July project for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge, a unit of Plague Marines, I also completed a second unit of Plague Marines, a CSM Sorcerer, and a Nurgle Daemon P...
New Project - Blightlord Daemon Prince 13 Jul 2013 | 12:38 am
In addition to painting my Blightlord Plague Marines this month (which I have already made very good progress on), I am going to work on painting my Blightlord Daemon Prince of Nurgle. This will be m...
More chaos space marines chapters related news:
Commissioned Lugft Huron 18 Nov 2011 | 04:00 am
I painted this one on commission, my patron being Col. Dracus. His Space Marine chapter is a custom one, called the Celestial Lions (so that's not technically Lugft Huron). The colors were chosen by...
Chaos Space Marines with Necron Allies @ 1850 1 Nov 2012 | 09:11 pm
Another distraction on my path to finishing up that Dark Eldar series, this is an idea I had for Chaos Space Marines when another friend was curious about potential uses for allies and trying to figur...
Warhammer 40k BATREP Orks VS Chaos Space Marines Part 1 4 Mar 2013 | 05:10 pm Click on the LINK above to see more awesome warhammer 40k battle reports. In this video Miniwargamer Dave battles Joe in this epic fight of chaos space marines vs orks. Stay tuned for part...
Video Battle Report: Dark Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines 4 Apr 2013 | 02:53 am
The Dark Eldar Kabal takes on the original bad-boys of 40k, the Chaos Space Marines in a 1500pt slaughter-fest. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Please 'like' the videos on youtube or leave a comment if you'd l...
The Wall of Done 2012: Lucky Thirteen! 20 Jun 2013 | 01:20 am
The last Wall of Done for 2012 featured a mess of things that I painted over winter break: Chaos Space Marines: Tactical Squad Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Lord and Abaddon Khador: Battle Mechaniks and...
Codex Space Marines: Chapter Doctrines and Cover Art 26 Aug 2013 | 10:59 am
It's been a long time coming, but the mighty Adeptus Astartes should be here this week. Here's the new cover and the latest on Chapter Doctrines. via, 40KRadio Chapter Tactics Successor Chapters ....
Chaos Space Marines neuling 27 Aug 2013 | 12:54 am
Hallo, ich habe mir jetzt vor kurzem die Grundbox Sturm der Vergeltung zugelegt und das CSM Regelbuch kommt auch bald. Meine Frage wäre jetzt mit welchen Figuren kann/sollte ich meine Chaoten aufrüst...
Oracle Stave 27 Aug 2013 | 10:43 am
← Older revision Revision as of 05:43, 27 August 2013 Line 7: Line 7: [[Category:Dawn of War II]] [[Category:Dawn of War II]] [[Category:Weapons (Chaos Space Marines)]] [[Category:W...
Chaos Conversion: Newest Iron Warrior 22 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Getting ever closer to the end of my chaos space marines. I've had thiese bits in my box forever it seems. So I decided a Warsmith was in order. The model is really just a whole lot of bits and .....
A New Nurgle Space Marine.... 20 Aug 2013 | 02:30 am join the legion of pestilence. It's been awhile since I have done a nurgle anything. So I thought as the last of my chaos space marines were getting modeled up that I had to model one with t...