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トレイダーズ証券「みんなのFX」が2013年8月15日より主要4通貨ペアの基準スプレッドを縮小! 16 Aug 2013 | 11:47 am
トレイダーズ証券が米ドル円、ユーロ円、ボンド円、ユーロドルのスプレッドを2013年8月15日より縮小したことを発表しました。 4通貨ペアのスプレッドは以下のとおり。(左が変更前、右が変更後) 米ドル円 0.6~1.0銭 → 0.3~1.0銭 ユーロ円 1.3~1.8銭 → 0.6~1.8銭 ボンド円 1.8~2.2銭 → 1.6~2.2銭 ユーロドル 1.0~1.6銭 → 0.9~1.6...
オートチャーティストが利用できるFX会社 12 Aug 2013 | 08:30 pm
チャート自動分析ツール「オートチャーティスト」が利用できるFX会社は現在3社。いずれも口座開設すれば無料で利用できるのですが、利用するには一定の条件をクリアしなければならないFX会社もありますのでご注意ください。 オートチャーティストを無料で利用できるFX会社 まず、現在の一番のオススメは、FXトレードフィナンシャル。 FXトレードフィナンシャルでは、オートチャーティスト導入記念キャンペーン...
More chart trader android related news:
Dooors: Level 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 Lösungen 3 Jul 2012 | 02:22 am
Neben den Spielen wie 100 Floors und 100 Exits ist Dooors derzeit auch auf den Download-Charts bei Android und iOS und erfreut sich bei den Spieler größter Beliebtheit. Ähnlich wie in den anderen Room...
Morning Call Express: August 26, 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 05:18 pm
John Darsie and Brittany Umar bring you market news and the charts traders are watching to start this last slow week in August.
Basics about Forex Charts and Chart Reading 23 Oct 2010 | 07:45 pm
If the trader is going into the Forex Technical Analysis, then the word “Chart” is familiar to him. Trend is the friend, and chart is the friend to define the trend. Traders that care about the result...
Swing Tracker Review 30 Jul 2010 | 02:30 pm
Swing Tracker software brags it right as a user-friendly application that provides real-time charting and scanning. Traders also vary on the technique they apply when trading, and this tool just fits ...
Understanding Stock Charts 15 Feb 2011 | 06:04 am
Engaging in stock market requires proper understanding of the stock charts. The charts provide plenty of information that traders are looking for. Likewise, stock charts have different forms, types an...
Forex Charting Mistakes - Make These Mistakes and You Will Lose 17 Apr 2012 | 05:43 am
Forex charting and technical analysis is a great way to make money, the problem is - many traders make common mistakes and lose. Let's look at the ones you need to avoid. 1. Don't Predict The most c...
Head And Shoulders Pattern 8 May 2012 | 04:59 am
If you have played the stock markets then you probably know a thing or two about chart patterns. Most experts argue that technical analysis forms the very basis of a successful trader and his strategy...
So, You are Afraid of the Bear Market…We are Day Traders and We Ignore “Bear” Market tags. These charts show you why 3 Oct 2011 | 12:39 am
SOHU from PAD GOLD on Friday…so you don’t want this $6.00 move. No you say, it is a bear market This stock gapped down hard on Friday’s open and finished just about where it opened for a true “bea...
Weather Services PRO v1.1.1 Apk App 10 May 2012 | 05:48 am
Requirements: Android 1.6+Overview: Weather Services is ultimate weather and clock application including 4 widgets. Get the latest current conditions, forecasts, weather chart, maps and more with larg...
PinBar The Reversal Pattern 30 May 2012 | 05:10 pm
apakah Anda termasuk salah satu forex trader yg “menggunakan chart candle stick tetapi tidak paham bagaimana membacanya, apalagi menggunakannya untuk trading?” jika jawabannya “iya“..maka janganlah di...