Most checksum hjsplit related news are at:

Comunicado 14 Apr 2013 | 06:06 pm
AVISO: Agradeço a todas as visitas e comentários feitos neste espaço e comunico que estou encerrando este blog e em até 03 (três) meses vou apagar definitivamente, então quem quiser copiar algum cont...
Comunicado 14 Apr 2013 | 06:06 pm
AVISO: Agradeço a todas as visitas e comentários feitos neste espaço e comunico que estou encerrando este blog e em até 03 (três) meses vou apagar definitivamente, então quem quiser copiar algum cont...
More checksum hjsplit related news:
what is checksum 7 Apr 2012 | 03:26 am
Checksum will help you to find wheather your file is valid or not. Generally you will be gathering your files and softwares from different sources, might be borrowing them from a friend or download th...
ZFS on linux 3 Apr 2010 | 10:46 am
Those who knew me a few years ago, know how fanatic I was about ZFS . A filesystem that supported filesystem-level snapshots, on-the-fly data checksumming and verification, multiple volumes sharing th...
How to test Credit Card numbers using Luhn’s algorithm 4 Feb 2012 | 12:49 am
Almost all credit card numbers used are generated using Luhn’s algorithm. Luhn’s algorithm is a simple checksum formula to validate variety of numbers. We can use the same formula for checking whether...
Cara Mengabungkan atau Memecah File Dengan FFSJ dan HJSplit 5 Apr 2012 | 02:27 am
Cara Mengabungkan atau Memecah File Dengan FFSJ dan HJSplit Bagi rekan-rekan yang mendownload film atau pun game di blog Garashi Net ini, dimana file film atau gamenya dipisah atau dipecah menjadi be...
[Java] CRC32 Checksum 24 Feb 2012 | 05:44 pm
kali ini kita coba bikin fungsi untuk mengecek crc32 checksum pada sebuah file dengan java. kompilasi file javanya..lalu jalankan : Selamat mencoba…semoga bermanfaat
Download Gratis HJSplit 2.4 Terbaru 1 Aug 2011 | 05:05 pm
[Klik Image HJSplit 2.4 di Atas Untuk Memperjelas Gambar] K ali ini Embun akan melakukan sharing Update Terbaru Software yang handal dan dipercaya banyak orang dalam bidang File Splitter (Filesplitte...
Mipony v1.6.1 (白馬下載器)繁體中文免安裝版 6 Mar 2012 | 08:27 pm
MiPony–殺手級免費空間下載工具,支援Badongo、Mediafire、sendspace等數十個免費空間的下載。 MiPony–殺手級免費空間下載工具,支援Badongo、Mediafire、sendspace等數十個免費空間的下載, 支援「HJSplit」檔案合併功能,還可以自動偵測網頁中的載點,可以一次選取所有載點來下載檔案, ...
Making mk-table-checksum less intrusive 8 Aug 2011 | 09:46 pm
About a month ago I needed to compare tens of thousands of tables in hundreds of databases between a few different servers. The obvious choice was, mk-table-checksum! The only problem was, that the to...
Testing MySQL 5.6.3 network performance improvements 5 Oct 2011 | 07:37 am
I'm excited to see the new features in MySQL 5.6.3. Replication enhancements such as parallel SQL threads, crash safe slave and binlog checksum have been desired for years. I really appreciate that My...
tutorial hjsplit 3.3 11 May 2012 | 06:04 pm
klik joining seperti gambar diatas lalu klik seperti gambar diatas lalu pilih file yang akan digabungin pastikan nama file berurutan contoh: detective conan live action 4 mkv.001 detective conan li...