Most cheer up charlie band related news are at:

Recycling mobile phones or selling them for cash 18 Feb 2011 | 09:53 pm
Recycling mobile phone handsets is a bit of a new fad, a new craze and something that many people see as cool. There is currently a wave of mobile phone recycling companies trying to secure their pla...
Cheer Up CharlieTakes Two at this years Unity Awards. 28 Oct 2006 | 02:37 am
Every year The United Catholic Music and Video Association (U.C.M.V.A.) hosts the Unity Awards. Voting is made by the UCMVA members and acknowledges top albums, artists, videos, songs, and groups. Th...
More cheer up charlie band related news:
Cheer Up Charlie 31 Dec 2009 | 01:05 am
Hey look at me…two blog posts in a row! I hate to admit it but, I still don’t have any idea what to write about now that I’m back from my hiatus…. I’ve been staring at my computer for days (totally ...
Jason…You will ALWAYS be a part of the Cheer Up Charlie family! 6 Jul 2006 | 02:29 am
Yes you are reading this correctly. After much dedication, support and tireless efforts Jason Kopp has made the decision to leave Cheer Up Charlie. Ok deep breath, here’s the deal… don’t get all craz...
Tonight: Ditch The Fest at Cheer Up Charlie's 10 Oct 2010 | 05:52 am
Want a free crash course in the Red River music scene? Then let me suggest Lucy The Poodle's Ditch The Fest, a no-cover all-day party going on at Cheer Up Charlie's on the east side. Aside from the he...
whats good 18 Jun 2013 | 07:12 pm
It’s been a while. Hi Lets catch up on Austin music stuff shall we? * Thanks for coming out to the PartyEnds’ Neiliyo, Emcee Eats, Sampler & Sons show at Cheer Up Charlie’s recently! That was a fun ...
Awara by RaaH the Band – Official Video 7 Mar 2012 | 12:13 pm
"Awara".... To all the fans.. Hope you like it. Keep loving RaaH!!! Cheers.
Blue Soul 28 Sep 2010 | 09:59 am
Making this short, just before work. I discovered Graveyard about 6 months ago. They're a swedish Homage-Rock band that makes music that is harkens to lesser-known Black Sabbath, Blue Cheer (from the...
Scenario II @ podium Hoogeveen this friday! 4 Jan 2011 | 01:18 pm
Scenario II will stand in for Dweal next Friday 7th of january! Please come visit us because it will be a great party with killer bands (Soulburn, Last Day Here)and beer :D Cheers read more
‘If you want it, then you can lean on me’ 12 Jun 2011 | 10:09 pm
Kicking out the Stones’ “Let It Bleed” close to midnight at a class reunion somewhere in Middlebury, VT, June 2011. The band is a mashup of Midd ’91 bands Dr. Jones and Yukon Time. Cheers.
Charlie Green's Rainbow Album Launch 17 Feb 2012 | 12:28 am
Charlie Green's Rainbow Album Launch Eastwood Mall Open Park | 14 Feb 2012 Birthday greetings to Charlie Green today for his 15th year (16 Feb 2012), cheers! The stage was opened by Thyro and Yumi w...
Christmas 2011 at the Johnson’s 11 Sep 2011 | 10:06 pm
Without brandishing a sword or musket, the calm-faced soldier beat out the Santas and snowmen for the theme of the Johnson’s Christmas tree 2011, affectionately named ‘Charlie.’ Working with a band s...