Most chi magazine princess diana related news are at:

Whistleblowing and ICANN 17 May 2013 | 03:01 am
A curious email appeared in my inbox this morning. It was titled ‘Concerns at ICANN’, was addressed to the Board, signed ‘A Concerned Employee’, and came through an anonymous Hushmail email account. B...
Is the dark side of new gTLDs starting to emerge? 19 Apr 2012 | 06:06 am
Last week, I received a highly unusual email claiming that an article on my personal website was libellous and insisting I take it down within a week. Even more unusually, the article was from 2002 –...
More chi magazine princess diana related news:
Globe Magazine: Princess Diana Was Murdered 22 Aug 2013 | 08:14 pm
The late people’s Princess, Diana, is featured on the cover of the latest copy of Globe magazine. Inside, the tabloid claims that Princess Diana was murdered by a three-man hit squad! Can you imagine?...
Queen Elizabeth Names Princess Diana’s Killers (Photo) 22 Aug 2013 | 08:33 pm
This week’s Globe Magazine is a whopper. The magazine claims that Queen Elizabeth is naming who killed Princess Diana. They go on to the claim that the killers were a 3 man hit squad. According to...