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Lolita Chibi Nguyễn Mai Phương rong chơi giữa đồng hoang 25 Feb 2012 | 11:15 pm
Nguyễn Mai Phương, cô bạn nổi tiếng làng cosplay Việt với nickname Chibi vừa cho ra đời bộ ảnh cực kỳ đáng yêu. Cô bạn sẽ xúng xính trong bộ trang phục Lolita và tạo dáng cùng chú gấu bông xinh xắn củ...
Chibi Chibi Chibi 13 Apr 2012 | 01:59 am
SuG - Love Scream Party: making of 23 Oct 2008 | 11:24 am
Traduccion Original: Translated by: _cherii and _clarity (especially). Text translations can be found HERE (1st half) and HERE (2nd half) @ xsugx community Traduccion a español: Chibi-Chibi para Zero...
Chibi 28 Mar 2012 | 05:35 am
Chibi, originally uploaded by Cainha.
Anggrek “ Chibi- chibi” dari gunung Belerang 22 May 2013 | 06:27 pm
Rupanya elok nan cantik. Biarpun mereka berada diantara rumput ilalang dan semak belukar namun kecantikanya tetap tampak mempesona. Ya, itulah sekumpulan anggrek tanah yang saya temukan di pegunungan ...
S.H. Figuarts, D-Arts & Chibi-Arts from Tamashii Nation 2010 1 Oct 2010 | 01:31 am
New updates on Tamashii Nation 2010 after the first posting just moments ago, with focus on the S.H. Figuarts, D-Arts and Chibi-Arts product lines. An amazing array of characters from various series a...
2009 New Year Countdown Clock (FMA) 24 Dec 2008 | 09:17 pm
Full Metal Alchemist New Year Countdown Clock Full Metal Alchemist New Year Countdown Clock is here. We love these two brothers. We tried really hard to find chibis version of these two brothers. We ...
Chronicle 1, How do we make babies? 11 Dec 2009 | 10:22 am
Title : Chronicle 1, How do we make babies? Pairing : Akame Rating : Safe Summary : Chibi!Akame learning how to make babies Disclaimer : I don't own anything but the story. Genre: Romance? Notes: Than...
Présentation 31 Dec 2010 | 12:30 am
4 Novembre Bonjour, je m'appele Ninou, j'ai 6 ans et pour mon anniversaire, j'ai demandé a ma maman Sunsakura de me faire un Blog "Otaku Manga Chibi". J'apprécie beaucoup les manga, j'en regarde de te...
Bienvenue 31 Dec 2010 | 12:30 am
Bienvenue sur le Xat Otaku Manga & Otaku Manga Chibi Reglement du Xat : - Pas de pub - Pas de vulgarité - Respecter les autres Si vous aimez le Blog, merci de prévenir un administrateur ou un modérate...