Most chic galleria magazine related news are at:

Take Your Style to a New Level with Uggs 27 Aug 2013 | 03:24 pm
Uggs – when we hear this phrase, our minds immediately conjure up notions of cozy boots made of sheepskin and wool. We tend to think of them as wintery footwear that is perfect for relaxing in during ...
I’m a Sex and the City Fanatic! 26 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
“I’m a Sex and the City Fanatic!” Ok, so what women can’t relate to at least one of the characters or moments in SATC?? Can you believe it’s 15 years since Sex and the City (SATC) first aired? For ...
More chic galleria magazine related news:
Chic Victim 14 Nov 2012 | 08:47 pm
Magazin online de prezentare si vanzare accesorii vestimentare pentru femei, desenat de mana. Oferta extrem de larga de bijuterii, posete, saluri originale. Magazin online conceput pe platforma WordPr...
Chic Critique Forum, Summer Cover Contest 16 May 2013 | 05:28 am
I love entering the [Chic Critique] Magazine [Cover Contest]! My image of [Kara] was a runner up for [Issue 3] – exciting!! This image is an outtake from the project I did for my next [Clickin Moms] B...
Beverly Hills Lifestyle Magazine 16 Nov 2009 | 09:51 pm
I have recently become affiliated (and by affiliated I mean fully immersed and involved) in the chic and sophisticated new guide to luxury, Beverly Hills Lifestyle Magazine. My life has all-of-a-sudde...
Let’s Go Global 4 Mar 2011 | 08:28 pm
Artikel Chic Magazine by Afra Mayriani Persaingan di dunia kerja makin ketat saja. Apalagi ditambah makin terbukanya persaingan secara global. Saingan Anda bukan saja dari sesama orang Indonesia, mel...
Elliott Lucca and The Sak once again in the magazine! 12 Jan 2012 | 10:16 pm
Life & Style Weekly, which has around 450 thousand readers weekly, is featuring both brands Elliott Lucca and The Sak in its new issue. If you want a Chic Snakeskin Handbag that doesn’t cost a fortune...
Bill Amberg in Spy Chic Theme 2 Nov 2011 | 11:55 pm
Grit Magazine the popular fashion blog recently used some of Bill’s bags in one of it’s shoots. Stylist Larissa De Filippo created a spy chic theme with new faces Charlie (Premier) and Joseph (Storm)...
Reah Norman- Curvy.Confident.Chic. Stylist for Plus Size Diva! 23 Dec 2008 | 09:56 am
Open up the latest issue of PLUS Model magazine and peruse through the fashion layouts. The models look amazing and the clothes are to die for! How do they get this fabulous? Enter in Reah Norman, ...
How to give a creative twist to your Shabby Chic bird cage 27 Aug 2010 | 12:38 am
My breakfast browsings have brought me to the world of decorative bird cages. I’m sure you will have noticed too: everyone’s talking about them and you will now find them on all decorating magazines a...
Paper jewellery 16 Jun 2010 | 02:41 am
Made up of old magazine paper and tiny maasai beads, these necklaces are hardy, simple, chic and environmentally friendly. A best-seller after the soap – all my stock was snapped up at the first house...
Consignment Chic in Southern Living Magazine 25 Jan 2012 | 12:04 pm
Did you see Consignment Chic mentioned in the March issue of Southern Living Magazine? They did an article on consignment shopping in Birmingham and Consignment Chic got a mention!! Let us know if y...