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Shedd otter dies at 23 27 Aug 2013 | 12:19 pm
A sea otter found abandoned in Alaska at less than 6 weeks old in 1990 was considered the oldest sea otter living in any North American zoo or aquarium when she was euthanized over the weekend, Shedd ...
Convicted robber busted after bank heist — with demand note: FBI 27 Aug 2013 | 12:19 pm
After holding up a bank on the Northwest Side, the suspect was stopped by Chicago Police officers who found a demand note on him saying: “Give me 5 stacks of hundred [SIC] right now and nobody will ge...
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"Angel Museum a heavenly attraction in Wisconsin" 12 Jun 2010 | 04:32 am
Sounds like Dave Hoekstra, staff reporter for the Chicago Sun Times, had much fun writing this story: "I had driven past the Angel Museum in Beloit several times and never stopped in. [snip] "When ...
Obama: "Gonzales failed to show moral clarity..." 6 Feb 2005 | 03:43 pm
On Friday in the Chicago Sun Times, Lynn Sweet observed some thing about Dick Durbin's and Barack Obama's recent votes on Cabinet nominees. Senator Dufus (Durbin) of course sided with the KKK's Rober...
Ten years after 9/11, America needs 911 8 Sep 2011 | 03:50 am
On the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, the Chicago Sun-Times assigned all its Sunday op-ed columnists to write on the subject. Below is what I wrote. I've cut and pasted it from a wingnut websi...
Three Men to Nest at Lincoln Park Zoo 12 Aug 2011 | 06:38 am
Three men are going to be living in a nest at the Lincoln Park Zoo starting Thursday, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Read more at:
Chicago Sun-Times ENDORSES Pat Dowell 12 Feb 2011 | 02:04 pm
Chicago Sun-Times ENDORSES Pat Dowell for Alderman of the 3rd Ward. According to the Chicago Sum-Times' endorsement article: 3rd Ward: Expectations were high for Ald. Pat Dowell when she was elec...
Madonna e Jesus Luz terminam namoro, diz Jornal 3 Feb 2010 | 11:35 am
Segundo o 'Chicago Sun-Times', iniciativa foi do modelo. Motivo seria diferença de idade e agendas cheias de ambos. Pode ter chegado ao fim o relacionamento de Madonna com Jesus Luz. Segundo o jorna...
El inventor del control remoto murió a los 96 años 24 May 2012 | 03:46 am
El inventor del control remoto murió a los 96 años. Murió Eugene “Gene” Polley, el inventor del contro remoto. a los 96 años.en un hospital de Chicago, según informó ayer el diario “Chicago Sun Times...
June Release Announced For ‘Jeff, Who Lives At Home’ 2 May 2012 | 08:03 am
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – Two brothers with very different ways of looking at the world come together to help each other find their way in the “whimsical comedy” (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times) JEFF, WHO L...
More thoughts on why ad industry coverage has changed 6 Apr 2011 | 03:59 am
Advertising Age yesterday ran a story on the decline in newspaper advertising columns, which was pegged to the recent departure of Lewis Lazare from the Chicago Sun-Times. As of now, the only five-da...
Sun Kil Moon’s “Among the Leaves” reviews and interview 4 Jun 2012 | 08:40 am
Sun Kil Moon’s Among the Leaves was released on Tuesday, May 29th and the reviews started rolling in. Here’s a recap: The Onion’s AV Club Chicago Sun-Times Consequence of Sound Filter Paste Maga...