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Any Time Printing -A true story Must Read 14 Nov 2011 | 10:44 am
That was in the month of September, early in the morning at 6 AM, suddenly I realized that I forgot to take the printout of the documents which I needed to carry with me, for a scheduled meeting with ...
The land of Dinosaurs -2011 11 May 2011 | 10:39 pm
It is about 2:00 am on Saturday. After working very hard for 5 days, it is time for me to take some rest. I setup an alarm at 8:00 am and layed on the bed. Slowly, I closed my eyes. All of a sudden, t...
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What's on Lafley's List This Time Around at P&G, Ad Age 3 Jun 2013 | 09:00 am
May 27, 2013 AG Laflley CEO returns to solve succession plan, flat growth in the US, innovation holes, brain drain, and complexity, costs & pricing. Source Link
PBS NewsHour: The Immigrant Brain Drain: How America Is Losing Its High-Tech Talent 26 Jul 2013 | 07:32 am
Diversity boosts high-tech innovation in America, argues Vivek Wadhwa. Paul Solman: There aren’t enough IT jobs to meet demand? Vivek Wadhwa, director of research at Pratt School of Engineering, Duke...