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1. seat, stand 2. (a measure word for immovable objects such as islands, mountains, buildings) 3. base, place 4. constellation 27 Aug 2013 | 03:59 am
T: 座 S: 座 zuo4 ㄗㄨㄛˋ = 1. seat, stand 2. (a measure word for immovable objects such as islands, mountains, buildings) 3. base, place 4. constellation [Show Details]
1. plain 2. vegetarian (adj) 3. element 26 Aug 2013 | 03:59 am
T: 素 S: 素 su4 ㄙㄨˋ = 1. plain 2. vegetarian (adj) 3. element [Show Details]
More chinese job flashcards related news:
iOS App Free Promotion, Chinese App Market, and Grand Canyon 29 Dec 2011 | 02:59 pm
Early this year, after I quit my job and started my indie developer life, I spent quite some time working on my iPhone game “PenguinLinks 2″. However, even though I have tried my best to tweak the UI,...
Interview Questions Pro is here! 11 Oct 2011 | 03:09 am
Need to prepare for an upcoming job interview? Try Interview Question Pro! Over 400 flashcards sharing tips on everything from answering behavioral questions to solving critical thinking riddles. Thi...
When to Search ESL Teaching Jobs in China 17 Apr 2011 | 04:18 am
I’ll be honest with everyone right now, I’m not a professional job hunter. This post is merely what I have observed and heard about from other foreign teachers and Chinese administers over the last fo...
Preparing ESL Students for the IELTS Test 9 Apr 2011 | 04:54 pm
The IELTS exam can be one of the most important exams ever for Chinese students I teach IELTS as a weekend job with New Channel, a well known and respected private school (best of all they pay on tim...
ESL Teachers and Private English Schools 6 Apr 2011 | 10:26 pm
To make any real money as an ESL teacher in China, you will have to work at more than one job. Most Chinese universities only pay a beginning teacher 5000rmb a month, which works out to around $750 Am...
2.5 million looking for a job in the UK - while a billion Chinese look to start a business 21 Oct 2011 | 09:25 pm
I spent the summer in China with the family - combining holiday, family visit and work. Down in hot, humid sub-tropical Hainan, China's southernmost province. I was still able to work (virtually) in...
400 Chinese turn up for MACC jobs 11 May 2010 | 12:39 am
2010/05/10 NST By Minderjeet Kaur KUALA LUMPUR: The long queue of about 400 Chinese young adults lining up for job interviews with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) yesterday is an indi...
8 Easiest Jobs on the Planet 27 Mar 2012 | 02:40 pm
1.Pro Sleeper Qunar, a Chinese travel review site, has hired three secret reviewers this year to asses the thread count, wi-fi strength, slipper softness, and room service at top hotels throughout th...
Quest Hotel Semarang New Job Vacancies 2011 10 Apr 2011 | 07:42 pm
Quest Hotel Semarang is strategically located in the heart of Semarang City. In order to complete our team, we are looking to fill the following position : SALES EXECUTIVE CHINESE CHEF DE PARTIE E...
Chineses vendem traseira de iPhone personalizada em homenagem a Steve Jobs 11 Nov 2011 | 01:22 pm
Trocar a parte traseira do iPhone 4 e 4S não é uma tarefa muito difícil. Com isso, diversos sites chineses oferecem peças avulsas dos mais diferentes materiais, para que o próprio usuário possa person...