Most chivalry feminism 101 related news are at:

On slut-shaming, deleting comments, and respectful discourse 4 Mar 2011 | 02:36 am
ETA 2011/03/06: It turns out that my comments were marked as spam, not deleted; they have now been published. For some reason Blogspot, unlike WordPress (which most of my experience is with), displays...
This is why I hardly read blogs anymore 31 Oct 2010 | 02:48 pm
In the past year the amount of (feminist) blogs that I read regularly, or even on an occasional basis, has shrunk to fit on one hand. Literally, aside from keeping up with Iris, the only blogs I regul...
More chivalry feminism 101 related news:
“Turd-Pong” Or, Some of the Best Feminism 101 I’ve Read in a Long Time 29 Mar 2013 | 02:17 am
Today someone linked* to a wonderful piece by Lindy West explaining feminism to the dude who wants to talk debate the existence of privilege and misandry. And it’s fucking wonderful. I was sold before...
Call for Feminism 101 Links V 10 Feb 2013 | 02:30 am
Drop your favourite introductory/clarifying-concept/debunking-factoids feminist posts here! Recent links ideally, but older links that you just keep on sharing are also welcome. Shameless self-promoti...
Call for Feminism 101 Links IV 14 Jan 2013 | 03:30 am
Please share your favourite links which do a great job explaining/clarifying basic feminist concepts or debunking anti-feminist myths/factoids. Recent links ideally, but older links that you just keep...
Call for Feminism 101 Links III 29 Nov 2012 | 05:01 am
Drop links you tend to share widely because they do a great job explaining/clarifying basic feminist concepts or debunking anti-feminist myths/factoids. Shameless self-promotion by feminist bloggers i...
Call for Feminism 101 Links II 6 Oct 2012 | 07:19 am
Drop links you tend to share widely because they do a great job explaining/clarifying basic feminist concepts or debunking anti-feminist myths/factoids. If a relevant link happens to be one of your ow...
Feminism, Valentine’s Day and Why You’re Still Single 15 Feb 2013 | 04:16 am
Valentine’s Day is about romance. It’s about paying tribute to an institution that celebrates the custom of romantic love, courtship and the time-honored tradition of chivalry. That seems to be a very...
Women As Meat, Volume 874,597 6 Aug 2013 | 12:22 pm
Backlash 101. Every attempt we made to start a serious debate was met with responses such as “feminism and rape are both ridiculously tiring”. via What happened when I started a feminist society at ...
Dating 101 with Marsha Rowe: Cheating Questions 9 Aug 2013 | 07:56 am
Pic by Coco Young Last week I published an interview with feminist icon Marsha Rowe, where she and I talked about the history of feminism, body image and porn. However, during our original conversati...