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飲食新鮮報 13 Sep 2011 | 08:42 pm
在味蕾上找刺激,是生活中莫大的享受,更是一件持久並耐人尋味的投資。 超級限量版黑衣女爵 就算不喝酒的人,也會被這漂亮的酒瓶給吸引過去,是呀,畢竟是穿著Baccarat的黑水晶外衣,光是那閃動的光澤就難讓人忽略。人頭馬酒莊今年特別推出Louis ⅩⅢ限量Rare Cask黑蘊典藏大香檳干邑,特別以大香檳區最精華的葡萄,精釀出前所未見的43.8度醇香,全球限量786瓶...
好美味 X 好肌膚 13 Sep 2011 | 08:36 pm
橄欖油 地中海沿岸居民心血管疾病的罹患比率偏低,秘密就源自於他們日常食用橄欖。橄欖油、橄欖果實,無論拌沙拉、燉雞湯、做三明治、調美酒都是增添風味的良伴,其中所含的豐富橄欖多酚,對於抗老抗癌、降低心血管疾病皆能有所助益。 美膚新發現:即使長在乾荒地區也能茁壯生存,主要是橄欖葉正面與反面,具有防止水分流失和蒸散的聰明調節功效,橄欖果實也含不飽和脂肪酸、維他命E等滋養成分,加上保護肌膚免於活性...
More chloe chen related news:
“Blind Chinese Activist” Label is Disappointing 7 May 2012 | 03:05 am
Chen Guangcheng is a dissident in China in the news these days. Why the fuck does every bit of media have to label him as “Blind Chinese Activist”, as if that is what defines him? It’s as offensive as...
Hot This Week on Evri for iPad 8 May 2012 | 06:37 am
This past week, Evri for iPad users have been reading about the John Edwards, Chen Guangcheng, MCA’s death, and more. Here are the top 5 topics viewed between April 30 and May 7, 2012: John Edwards –...
Rola Chen 6 Jun 2010 | 03:01 pm
About last night, the wild card, and AL MVP 3 Oct 2010 | 07:01 am
Here’s the short version: it rained all night in Boston and Bruce Chen threw a two-hit shutout as KC beat the Rays 7-0. So, technically, the Yankees could clinch today with a sweep of the 4:05/9:05 d...
State-of-the-Art Egg Freezing 8 May 2012 | 04:34 am
The first human pregnancy from a frozen oocyte was achieved in Australia in 1985 by Dr. Christopher Chen (Lancet 1 (vol 8486): pp 884-886, 1986), just one year after the first baby had been born from...
Groupes !! 20 Nov 2007 | 05:40 am
Vos couleurs vous plaisent ? Bon alors j'ai besoin de vous car une idée me trotte dans la tête (Chloé me la souflé ya un ptit moment) Est ce que vous voudrez avoir comme rang genre : Fan d'Unswabbed...
Ma Robe See By Chloé / My See By Chloe Dress 11 Nov 2009 | 08:05 pm
En été, je suis toujours à la recherche de motifs floraux et de robes qui sentent bon le soleil et, il y a 6 mois, j'avais complètement flashé sur cette robe bandeau See By Chloé. Je m'étais promise d...
نگاهي بر فيلم "كلويي"Chloe 2009 31 Dec 2009 | 02:53 am
فيلم كلويي(Chloe) ساخته Atom Egoyan اسن كه تا به حال 30 مجموعه تلويزيوني و فيلم سينمايي را كارگرداني كرده كه از اين بين فيلمي مشهور و يا قابل بررسي وجود ندارد . اين فيلم در 11 مارچ سال 2010 ميلادي ا...
Jennifer et Chloé de ta region 7 Sep 2010 | 03:13 am
Together 25 Mar 2009 | 09:00 am
Titre : 愛就宅一起 / Ai Jiu Zhai Yi Qi English name : Together / Superstar Express Année : 2009 Genre : Comédie / Romance Pays : Taïwan Episodes : ? OST : Personnages : Rainie Yang as Chen Mo Mo (陳默默)Jiro...