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AICA partecipa ad Expo Training 2011 a Fiera Milano City 29 Nov 2011 | 12:35 am
AICA partecipa ad Expo Training 2011 in programma a Fiera Milano City: Padiglione MICO, stand E13. Al via dal 30 novembre al 1 dicembre 2011, Expo Training 2011, manifestazione fieristica italiana de...
TripAdvisor annonserer vinnerne av 2011 Travelers’ Choice Awards 21 Jan 2011 | 09:08 am
TripAdvisor har annonsert vinnerne av reisende sitt valg av hotell for 2011, Traveler’s Choice 2011. Priser ble delt ut i følgende kategorier; beste kupp, beste luksus hotell, beste hotell med alt in...
Mexican National Barista Championship 1 Jul 2011 | 05:34 am
10a Competencia Mexicana de Baristas – 10th Mexican National Barista Championship September 1st-3rd, 2011 Expo Cafe Trade Show World Trade Center Mexico City We are celebrating our 10th year with th...
Argentinian National Barista Championship 17 Mar 2011 | 05:13 am
5° Competencia Argentina de Baristas 2011 – Argentina National Barista Championship Held in conjuction with the 18th FITEHP 2011-Expo Alimentaria Mercosur. Centro Costa Salguero Avda.Costanera Rafa...
Best Careers for 2011 17 Nov 2011 | 06:15 am
Wondering what the best career choice 2011? Read on to find out which sectors will continue to grow and is most likely to offer employment opportunities in the near future … The current recession has...
Lady Gaga con 5 nominaciones en People Choice 2011 25 Oct 2011 | 07:37 pm
Lady Gaga demostró que sigue siendo la reina de la música pop de la actualidad cuando logró 5 nominaciones para la edición de este año de los premios People Choice 2011. A pesar del éxito conseguido ...
Ausstellerverzeichnis 25 Aug 2011 | 01:39 am
FOCUSRESELLER, DMS EXPO und IT & Business bieten Handel und Systemhaus einfach mehr! Das Messe-Event im Süden vom 20. bis 22. September 2011 ist auf die Bedürfnisse von Fachbesuchern ausgerichtet. Ve...
Czar Chad 18 Nov 2011 | 10:18 am
Shout out to Chad Waite from AvantLink for this great interview at Blogworld Expo 2011 a couple of weeks ago! When it comes to explaining some of the complexities of what we do in common terms, Chad i...
CDMA Development Group Announces Winners of Industry Achievement Awards and Smart Wireless Awards at 2011 CDMA World Forum 17 Jun 2011 | 08:00 pm
The CDMA Development Group (CDG) today announced the winners of the 2010 Smart Wireless Awards at the CDG’s Smart Wireless Workshop during the IT Expo/4G Wireless Evolution conference.
eroFame 2011 14 Dec 2010 | 05:21 am
Nachdem am vergangenen Freitag bekannt gegeben wurde, dass die eroFame 2011 vom 05. bis 07. Oktober 2011 auf dem Expo-Gelände – das größte Messegelände der Welt – in Hannover im Deutschen Pavillon sta...