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Pearl Jam 24 Aug 2011 | 05:18 am
Pearl Jam é uma banda norte-americana de rock alternativo, formada no ano de 1990 em Seattle, Washington. Desde sua origem, sua formação incluiu Eddie Vedder (vocais, guitarra rítmica), Jeff Ament (ba...
Johnny Winter [revisto e ampliado] 29 May 2011 | 03:00 am
Originalmente postado em 4 de julho de 2008 John Dawson Winter III, mais conhecido como Johnny Winter (Beaumont, Texas, 23 de fevereiro de 1944) é um guitarrista e cantor de blues norte-americano. J...
More chuck berry discografia related news:
Rock 'n' Roll Church - Saturday, July 11th, 6pm at Pells Park 24 Jun 2009 | 12:32 am
Keep Pushin' With a live band playing music from: Creed Daughrty Chuck Berry John Cougar Foo Fighters Rolling Stones Sponsored by PAXTON COVENANT CHURCH and FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH
Chuck Berry: Estátua é inaugurada em St. Louis, U.S. 2 Aug 2011 | 06:18 am
Na última sexta-feira (29), uma estátua em homenagem ao músico Chuck Berry, 84, foi inaugurada em St. Louis, nos EUA, sua cidade natal. Considerado um dos pais do rock, o guitarrista agradeceu ao púb...
Two Guitars That Shaped Early Rock ‘n’ Roll: Chet Atkins’ Gretsch 6120 & Chuck Berry’s Gibson ES-350Ts 15 Jul 2011 | 09:57 am
Back when rock ‘n’ roll was just a spark of a feeling rumbling in the bellies of blues, country and jazz players, two players made their mark on guitar history. While Chet Atkins laying down fluid lic...
History of the Mambo 28 Aug 2011 | 05:50 am
Many forms of music throughout history have been called “The Devil’s Music.” From Elvis Presley to Chuck Berry, peopled have burned such records to protest such music. And in the same breath, the Mamb...
100 Greatest Rock Guitarists of All-Time 7 Jul 2008 | 08:00 am
1.Jimi Hendrix 2.Jimmy Page 3.Eric Clapton 1.Jimi Hendrix 2.Jimmy Page 3.Eric Clapton 4.Eddie Van Halen 5.Joe Satriani 6.Randy Rhoads 7.Chuck Berry 8.Stevie Ray Vaughan 9.David Gilmour 10.Brian May...
Chuck Berry Tribute 4 Apr 2008 | 06:42 am
GREATEST GUITAR SOLO OF ALL TIME? 16 Feb 2012 | 12:17 pm
What's your pick for the greatest guitar solo of all time?! Beatles, While My Guitar Gently Weeps Chuck Berry, Johnny B Goode Deep Purple, Highway Star Dire Straits, Sultans Of Swing Dragonforce, Thr...
Chuck Berry Collapses in Chicago 4 Jan 2011 | 06:57 am
Chuck Berry was an hour into his concert at Chicago’s Congress Theatre on New Year’s Day when – as his pianist tuned his guitar – he slumped face-first into the keyboard. “I’m struggling,” he said bef...
Chuck Berry is 2012′s Rock Hall American Music Master 24 Jul 2012 | 06:05 pm
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum has announced that Chuck Berry will be this year's American Music Master.
testing the waters 21 Jun 2012 | 11:07 pm
Hi, anyone out there. I just heard Lyle Lovett's version of"Brown Eyed Handsome Man" on his latest CD. It's very different from the Chuck Berry's version but it's cool and jazzy. A tip of the hat alw....