Most cincinnati opera related news are at:

Dolora Zajick Replaced at SFO 27 Aug 2013 | 05:41 am
American Mezzo Soprano Dolora Zajick has withdrawn from her performances in the World Premiere of composer Tobias Pickers new work ‘Dolores Claiborne‘ which is to take place with the San Francisco Ope...
Aida Opens Houston Season 27 Aug 2013 | 12:27 am
Aida will open the Houston Grand Opera 2013 -2014 season on the evening of October 18th for a run of seven performances. If COMMANDOpera was obliged to choose a single favourite of the continually mou...
More cincinnati opera related news:
Figaro teltházassága 9 Nov 2011 | 10:19 pm
Hogy egy olyan gyenge szóviccel éljek, aminek a leírása után magam is elszégyellem magam, azt mondhatom, áll a bál az operában. Az opera szóra persze a legtöbb olvasó legyint, hiszen ennél halottabb m...
NJStar Communicator 3.0 Released: Supports IE9, Firefox 4/5, Google Chrome, Opera 11 and Safari 5 30 May 2011 | 12:27 pm
We are delighted to announce the availability of NJStar Communicator version 3.0. This new version supports both 32 bit and 64 bit Applications, DirectX text, Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9, Mo...
南极星全球通 3.0 正式发布:支持最新浏览器 IE9, Firefox 4/5, Google Chrome, Opera 11 and Safari 5 30 May 2011 | 12:22 pm
我们很激动地宣布南极星全球通3.0 今天正式发布。支持最新浏览器 IE9, Firefox 4/5, Google Chrome, Opera 11 and Safari 5。同时支持32bit和64bit应用程序,DirectX文字。南极星全球通3.0 所有部件全部采用UNICODE6.0为内码,能够输入7万汉字。专业版带有10款以上的南极星OpenType PS 字库,适用于所有Unicode...
OCHO CINCO = 85 = SEX LINE? 1 Oct 2010 | 02:59 pm
All you cereal eaters in the greater Cincinnati area be forewarned. Bengal’s Chad Ochocinco wants to Feed the Children via cereal boxes promoting a phone-sex line! WTF…you might say? It’s about t...
GIMP,Opera,LibreOffice,Avast!等Macis适用的pet软件包 30 May 2011 | 08:26 pm
下载地址: 安装文件如有需要注意的事项,请仔细查看单个文件的下载页面的Description! 不断更新,常用软件、必备软件等,涵盖了系统工具、安全反病毒、网络浏览、多媒体等 关于一般Adobe Air应用程序的安装,
aliedit: 支持Linux浏览器的支付宝控件 11 Apr 2011 | 10:32 pm
名称: aliedit 简介: 支持Linux浏览器的支付宝控件 支付宝Linux安全控件,暂仅支持以下版本浏览器: Firefox(3.x/4.x/5.x) | Chrome(5.x/6.x) | Opera(10.6.x) 下载安装后重启浏览器就可使用支付宝支付。 控件安装前请先安装Firefo.....
Real Estate on Bird Key in Sarasota, Florida 25 Dec 2011 | 08:43 am
Bird Key is a Sarasota, Florida neighborhood rich in beauty, luxury, privacy, and history. In the early 1900s, Bird Key was purchased by Thomas Worcester of Cincinnati, Ohio. Worchester built the firs...
General anesthesia, combo procedures boost risk 18 Feb 2012 | 03:45 pm
General anesthesia, combo procedures boost risk By: Bill Gillette Source: Cosmetic Surgery Time eNews Cincinnati — Use of general anesthesia, performance of liposuction under general anesthesia, and...
A.Scarlatti - Flute Concertos & Sinfonias 8 Apr 2011 | 09:30 pm
Alessandro Scarlatti (May 2, 1660, Palermo, Italy - October 24, 1725, Naples) - Italian composer, founder of the Neapolitan opera school, the father of the composer Domenico Scarlatti. Alessandro Scar...
Opera 10.62 10 Jun 2011 | 03:05 am
OPERA 11 est sorti....