Most citroen ds3 wrc moteur related news are at:

Its DRUG not DRAG! 25 Jul 2013 | 08:06 pm
Kondofrey 13-14 July 2013 10 Jul 2013 | 01:50 am
Milen Minev with UPG team and were most welcomed in TETRAKOSARI VII by Autokinisimag members. But they couldn't let the hospitality go without being repaid. They invited us and asked us ...
More citroen ds3 wrc moteur related news:
Nasser Al-Attiyah na testach Citroena DS3 przed Rajdem Niemiec 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Nasser Al-Attiyah na testach Citroena DS3 przed Rajdem Niemiec Dodane przez: dracowrx Tagi: Nasser Al Attiyah Citroen DS3 WRC Citroen Rajd Niemiec WRC Rajdy Rally Sporty samochodowe Data: 2012-08-18
Sporty motorowe - Zwycięstwo Loeba, Kościuszko pierwszy w PWRC 26 Aug 2012 | 08:41 pm
Ośmiokrotny mistrz świata Francuz Sebastien Loeb (Citroen DS3 WRC) wygrał 30. Rajd Niemiec, dziewiątą rundę MŚ w sezonie 2012. Michał Kościuszko z pilotem Maciejem Szczepaniakiem (Mitsubishi Lancer Ev...
81° Rally di Montecarlo 2013 22 Jan 2013 | 12:43 am
Annullate le ultime due le prove del Rally di Montecarlo per motivi di sicurezza . La classifica dopo la prova 16 vede come vincitore il francese Sebastien Loeb con la sua fida Citroen Ds3 WRC davanti...
Rally Argentina 2013: In testa Loeb, spettacolare incidente di Sordo (YouTube Video) 4 May 2013 | 03:07 am
Loeb (Citroen DS3 WRC) è tornato alla grande, e, dopo nove speciali su quattordici in programma, si trova in testa al Rally d’Argentina, quarta prova del Mondiale Rally. La corsa...
Rally Argentina 2013: Trionfo Sebastien Loeb (Video) 5 May 2013 | 06:23 pm
Sebastien Loeb (Citroen DS3 WRC) rientra al Rally d’Argentina e fa valere la sua immensa classe con una splendida vittoria. Che sia un evento speciale lo dimostra il fatto che...
WRC 3 - FIA World Rally Championship (2012/ENG/Repack R.G. Revenants) 5 Jan 2013 | 10:39 am
Почувствуйте настоящую скорость! Погрузитесь в WRC 3 - официальную игру чемпионата мира по ралли FIA сезона 2012. Попробуйте себя в роли чемпиона мира Себастьяна Лeба за рулем Citroen DS3 WRC на невер...
Air Jordan UK 95542 24 Aug 2013 | 04:34 pm
Sebastian Loeb triumfer i Argentina,Occhiali Oakley 85481 Sebastien Loeb arvede første plads i hans Citroen DS3 WRC og førte for de resterende otte etaper for at vinde Rally i Argentina for en fantas...
Η Citroen Ζεί ..... 25 Aug 2013 | 09:49 pm
Στο Rally Γερμανίας ο Dani Sordo πήρε την 1η του νίκη στο WRC, έπειτα από μια δυνατή μάχη με τον Thierry Neuville. Ο Ισπανός, με το Citroen DS3 ξεκίνησε την τελευταία ημέρα του αγώνα έχοντας προβάδισμ...
Rally Germania: Dani Sordo vince il suo primo rally iridato, seguono Neuville e Hirvonen 25 Aug 2013 | 03:32 pm
Che dire, gran belle battaglie in questa edizione 2013 del Rally di Germania con la vittoria dell’ alfiere Citroen Dani Sordo, che con la sua DS3 WRC conquista la sua prima vittoria in un Rally del Ca...
Q&A with Mikko Hirvonen Ahead of WRC Argentina 21 Apr 2012 | 02:20 am
Citroen driver Mikko Hirvonen looks ahead to Rally Argentina as the WRC's Latin American round quickly approaches. The Finn is excited about contesting Argentina in the DS3 and remains upbeat despite ...