Most city of bones anime related news are at:

Tens List and Giveaway with Liz Gallagher, Author of My-Not -So-Still-Life 12 May 2011 | 07:05 am
From Goodreads.... Vanessa is wise beyond her years. She's never really fit in at school, where all the kids act and dress the same. She's an artist who expresses her talent in the wacky colors she d...
Mermaid's Cove Music Hop: Part of Random Magic Tour: Pirates! 11 May 2011 | 04:00 am
Mermaid's Cove Music Hop Ahoy, me darlin', ye've found a jolly round of songs for swashbucklers. Music is a strong theme in Random Magic -- so strong, in fact, that one of the celestial characters W...
More city of bones anime related news:
Hit or Miss? Does It Exist? 7 Jan 2012 | 10:41 am
I recently finished reading Cassandra Clare's City of Bones and have to admit that I really enjoyed it (besides the whole Jace and Clare being related thing . . .I thought they both accepted it too ea...
City of Bone 30 Mar 2011 | 01:15 am
Buku Novel ini ane pinjam dari seorang teman dan butuh waktu yang lumayan lama untuk menghabiskannya, hampir satu bulan lebih :D, mau tau mengapa ??? nanti di akhir akan ane kasih tau penyebabnya. Sek...
2bit Bones animated series 20 Feb 2010 | 05:05 pm
I was introduced to this new animated web series a few days ago, so I thought I'd share it with my readers. The series is about a tiny robot named 2 bit and his adventures. from the website: "...For...
Pixel portrayal to be at Motaku in Kansas Citty 15 Sep 2009 | 12:45 am
Look for PixelPortayal at Kansas City's newest anime convention Motaku Con! It's their first year and I'm excited about the prospect of having not one, but TWO awesome anime conventions circulatin...
Starttermin für "City of Bones" 4 Apr 2012 | 08:06 am
Momentan hat die Verfilmung der Chroniken der Unterwelt-Reihe einen ziemlich guten Lauf. Nachdem vor kurzem erst der neue Regisseur und der Drehbeginn bekannt gegeben wurde, gibt es für City of Bones ...
Neuer Regisseur für "City of Bones" genannt 19 Mar 2012 | 04:20 pm
Das Drama um die fallen gelassene Produktion von City of Bones könnte endlich ein Ende haben, denn die Verfilmung vom ersten Teil der Chroniken der Unterwelt-Reihe soll ihren neuen Regisseur gefunden ...
Dreamsworks Opens Redwood City Facility 22 Jul 2012 | 08:06 am
DreamWorks Animation has unveiled the new 200,000 square-foot headquarters for its PDI animation facility in Redwood City, Calif., the LA Times reports. The new campus overlooks the San Francisco Bay ...
Кевин Зегерс, Город костей (Mortal Instruments) 29 Jul 2012 | 06:42 pm
В начале недели мы сообщали, что Лина Хиди и Джаред Харрис присоединились к актерскому составу проекта Город костей (The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones). А сегодня к экранизации популярной книжной ...
Dreamsworks Opens Redwood City Facility 22 Jul 2012 | 08:06 am
DreamWorks Animation has unveiled the new 200,000 square-foot headquarters for its PDI animation facility in Redwood City, Calif., the LA Times reports. The new campus overlooks the San Francisco Bay ...
EYE OF THE CHICKEN 6 Nov 2012 | 04:40 am
Just like playing the ukelele or doing any of Jackie Chan’s stunts without breaking all your bones, animating well takes a considerable amount of practice. That’s where our test stage comes in. Our An...