Most claws mail themes related news are at:

Quimup 1.3.0 beta 21 Dec 2012 | 03:45 pm
Quimup 1.3.0 is almost ready. If you want to test the beta drop me an email and let me know if you want the code or a 32 bit or 64 bit binary. Changelog * Added: “Drag & drop” from file manager to qui...
PPA 22 Oct 2012 | 01:20 pm
Ronald van Engelen has kindly set up a PPA for Guimup. This PPA currently publishes packages for Ubuntu Quantal and Precise. To add it to your system’s Software Sources open a terminal and enter the...
More claws mail themes related news:
Claws Mail theme 26 Jul 2010 | 09:50 pm
Claws Mail is a GTK-based e-mail client for the Linux platform, formerly known as ‘Sylpheed Claws’. The ‘Coon’s Blue’ theme includes a complete set of graphics for Claws Mail 3.3.0 and above. It can ...
Kiana Featured on Creattica 13 Feb 2012 | 12:41 am
Our latest E-mail Template has been featured on Creattica. The Kiana E-mail Theme has been designed with flexibility in mind. It has attractive design and it’s highly unique. The Kiana E-mail Templat...
Claws-mail y la renovación de certificados SSL de Gmail 16 Jan 2012 | 08:56 am
Estos últimos días estoy teniendo un problema a la hora de usar claws-mail con Gmail (en Deusto tenemos el correo con Google Apps for Education, así que lo tengo que usar sí o sí) porque cada cierto t...
Getting a good grip on Claws - a review for daily use 17 Feb 2010 | 06:18 am
In 2009 I had written about my experience with Claws Mail. After almost a year with Claws and a few minor releases, I thought it useful to share my experiences after a longer period of time. read mor...
同步 Claws Mail 的回收站到邮件服务器 12 May 2013 | 07:44 am
Gmail 依然是经常抽风,没办法了,只好弄个客户端用, 至少工作的时候用起来比较方便,不用老是等待、重试。 我的使用模式比较复杂,简单描述如下: 工作邮箱主要从 Web 和 Mutt 客户端访问, 主要作用一个是搜索浏览,一个是存档。 所有邮件还会自动转发到另外一个个人邮箱, 这个邮箱使用 Claws Mail 客户端下载,本地管理。 日常工作中,以个人邮箱的客户端为主, 工作邮箱的 Web ...
Claws Mail 不识别 PHPMailer 发送的附件 3 Jul 2013 | 11:25 am
环境:Claws Mail 3.9.1, PHP 5.4.16, PHPMailer 5.2.6 c5e9f7873f 现象:PHPMailer 发送带附件的邮件,直接使用 AddAttachment() 方法 没有其他设置。Claws Mail 收到信以后,查看邮件内容为空白, 附件栏显示: 以下就是空白了。 而能够正常识别附件的邮件,附件栏内容一般为: gmail 和 mutt 中识别...
Как "подружить" Claws-Mail 3.8.1 и апплет уведомлений Ubuntu? 26 Sep 2012 | 06:40 pm
Для большинства пользователей Linux, которые уже долгое время “сидят” в операционной системе Linux стали привычны не те навороченные приложение, которые “укомплектовываются” современные версии операци...
E-Mailverschlüsselung mit PGP unter Windows mit Thunderbird Portable 22 Jul 2013 | 10:00 am
Nachdem ich bereits die Konfiguration von Claws Mail für PGP beschrieben habe, möchte ich hier noch kurz auf die Konfiguration von Mozilla Thunderbird eingehen. ( E-Mailverschlüsselung mit PGP unter W...
Claws Mail for Windows: E-mails em diversas contas ao mesmo tempo 26 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
O e-mail é uma ferramenta essencial nos dias de hoje. Afinal de contas, as comunicações precisam ser feitas da forma mais rápida possível. E hoje não basta que as pessoas tenham apenas uma conta de e-...
Exciting News! 12 Jan 2011 | 01:42 pm
Gentle Reader, We want to announce some exciting changes here at DDDT. We get a lot of reader mail, and one theme we’ve heard repeated over and over again has been: Why do you guys post on a fixed sc...