Most climate change daily related news are at:

Climate Debate Daily 10 Oct 2008 | 11:06 pm
Call To Action 9 Oct 2008 | 10:38 pm
The notion that we need nuclear power to address climate change does not reflect the realities of the marketplace or rapid new developments in energy technology ......
More climate change daily related news:
Climate change will reduce water 1 Nov 2011 | 07:08 pm
Rome – The UN food agency warned climate change will restrict the availability of water for farming in decades to come, including in the Mediterranean region, and urged governments to take action. A ...
Water scarcity for SA 14 Oct 2011 | 07:28 pm
Cape Town – Lack of water and food in South Africa is a critical threat as climate change takes hold, environmental organisations have warned. “It’s very hard to stipulate one major threat because yo...
Australia and Korea meet on Green Growth 14 May 2012 | 01:25 pm
ATSE attends bilateral Green Growth workshops in Seoul on Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Living
Climate Debate Daily 10 Oct 2008 | 11:06 pm
Call To Action 9 Oct 2008 | 10:38 pm
The notion that we need nuclear power to address climate change does not reflect the realities of the marketplace or rapid new developments in energy technology ......
Call To Action 9 Oct 2008 | 06:52 am
The UK government's climate change watchdog says greenhouse emissions must be cut 80% by 2050. It also says this can be achieved at very little cost ......
Dissenting Voice 6 Oct 2008 | 11:21 pm
Just 18 months ago the European Union promised to save the world from climate change. The plan to deliver on those promises is now in deep trouble ...
Blog Action Day 2009 – Climate Change 16 Oct 2009 | 01:09 am
Today is Blog Action Day, an annual event where bloggers unite to post about the same issue on the same day. This year’s topic is Climate Change. The United Nations Climate Change Conference is takin...
Architecture and urban planning in an era of climate change 16 Mar 2012 | 12:00 pm
Combating droughts and floods: the Hansgrohe Aquademie showcases potential solutions from the Asia-Pacific region
Obama to cede U.S. sovereignty with UN Climate Change Treaty 22 Oct 2009 | 01:57 am
On October 14, 2009, Lord Christopher Monckton gave a presentation in St. Paul, MN on the subject of global warming. In this 4-minute excerpt from his speech, he issues a dire warning to all Americans...