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DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME - LOVE IT or HATE IT.... its Baaaack!!!! 2 Nov 2012 | 08:07 pm
It is said that “time waits for no one”, so it follows that changing the readout on our clocks two times a year is guaranteed to make something which is naturally quite simple like keeping track of ti...
Hair Update: August 2013 14 Aug 2013 | 11:20 am
The above picture above I took it immediately after undoing my braids. I was in a love with my hair. I actually just clocked two years natural. Just the other day I was bald! The next day I had to cle...
Two Years Of Blogging 21 Aug 2013 | 05:04 pm
Heyy. So on Monday 19th of August 2103, Uniquely Demmy clocked two years old. I'm two days late but well.... . Anyways, I'm really grateful for all the support over the past two years. It's been real...
Tip #43. Set Your Alarm for Bedtime 23 Dec 2007 | 05:59 am
This smart simple tip was found in the list of 52 Proven Stress Reducers. What this tip means is that first of all you need at least two alarm clocks (or get a dual alarm clock). You will be using one...
Two in a Row – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #27 11 Dec 2011 | 02:28 am
See? I told you I would be back on track. There’s no change this week as I clocked in at 235, but like I said on the show, I consider that somewhat of a win. If I’m not down, at least I’m not up. In t...
2009 New Year Countdown Clock (FMA) 24 Dec 2008 | 09:17 pm
Full Metal Alchemist New Year Countdown Clock Full Metal Alchemist New Year Countdown Clock is here. We love these two brothers. We tried really hard to find chibis version of these two brothers. We ...
Invicta Men’s 6262 Reserve Collection Chronograph Excursion Edition Watch 23 May 2012 | 03:47 pm
Invicta Men's 6262 Reserve Collection Chronograph Excursion Edition Watch A date window at the four o’clock position helps you keep tabs on your busy schedule while subdials at the two, six, and ...
Solo Words 25 Feb 2012 | 05:27 am
This Solitaire style word game is perfect for word game lovers and casual gamers everywhere. Players race through 4 rounds where they have to play two through five letter words before the clock runs o...
Personalized Pink salsa Wallclock 30 May 2012 | 09:34 pm
Our beautiful wooden Pink salsa Wallclock is a perfect gift for any occasion. Handpainted and finished with two wooden butterflies, this clock is sure to be a treasured addition to anyone's bedroom wa...
Cat Vs Human: Cat and Sleep 23 Jul 2011 | 11:17 am
I had dejavu when I saw this clip. For the last few months, Kichan has been the relentless alarm clock. She not only wakes me up before my alarm clock goes off. She actually does it for two whole hour...