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sketch drawings using freehand 29 Dec 2011 | 01:41 am
tattoo sketch drawings using freehand and cover up with the dragon tattoo freehand tattoo dragon tattoo color
"cloud tattoo" 3 May 2013 | 10:49 pm
The techniques of winning a tattoo design contest arеn't difficult, but they аrе defined. When entering a design contest, thе designers prepare to work with а client who іѕ lookіng for hеlp іn creatin...
Tribal Tattoos Designs 5 May 2013 | 08:18 pm
Tribal theme is very popular as far as tattoo sketches are concerned. You will see many people with tribal tattoo design on their body. Tribal tattoos are great for both youngsters and older person al...
tattoo sketches 25 May 2013 | 10:08 am
A site that a person can become a member of that has a listing of 8500 sketches and designs of tattoos and includes information on the history of some designs. From a logical point of view having a ta...
TattooHunter – A caccia del tuo futuro tatuaggio 13 May 2010 | 09:05 am
Vai a caccia del tuo prossimo tatuaggio su Tattoo Hunter. Trovi una vasta raccolta di disegni e sketch divisi per categoria dai quali puoi prendere spunto nella realizzazione del tuo Tattoo. Basta s...
The last escape 28 Mar 2011 | 01:19 pm
Skin: Bad@zz – Skin – Mocha – 18. Chin Beard – Hair Shape: Al’Ol Nomad Eyes: [LeLutka]-Ellis-Cloud/S Hair: [Shag] – Soldier Boy – brown Necklace: *[MANDALA] SHAKA Necklace/Silver/chest Tattoo: !...
Japanese Tattoo 4 Jul 2009 | 01:21 am
ad('top1'); Japanese Tattooad('bottom1');Here we have a sketch of what can only be describes as a very intriguing japanese tattoo. It would appear to be some sort of demon fighting another demon or pe...
John Elway Tattoo 23 Mar 2012 | 04:46 pm
And it was at this very moment that Joey Bouchard realized that smoking too much pot clouds your judgment.
How to Draw Lower Back Tattoos 31 Aug 2010 | 08:27 pm
Step 1: A lower back tattoo is symmetrical so you need to start by designing one half of the drawing first. Start by sketching a vertical line like in sample 1 and then draw a curvy line on one side...
Rocks, epic clouds and sea of boobs. 9 Jul 2012 | 03:02 am
Quite a productive week-end I must say. First sketch below was started after reading Alla Prima (again) and especially the chapter on edges. Also wanted to practice rendering rocks etc etc. Second ske...