Most cloudy days and uv damage related news are at:

Does Honey Really Last Forever? 30 Jul 2013 | 11:47 am
It’s an extremely common factoid to stumble across. It can be found under Snapple lids, heard on trivia shows, or read about in a chain emails forwarded to you by a friend or relative. That claim is t...
How Long Can You Live Off The Fat In Your Body? 14 Jun 2013 | 04:50 am
Our digestive system converts the food we eat into energy which our body uses to keep itself going. The surplus or extra energy which we don’t use gets converted to body fat. Our body fat can then be...
More cloudy days and uv damage related news:
Encouraging your staff to be sun protected 28 Jun 2012 | 11:36 pm
Summer time is well and truly here and along with humid temperatures and bright sunny days comes the ever present possibility of UV damage and possibly skin cancer. Despite the numerous warnings regar...
Bvlgari Sunglasses Replica- The Perfect Eyewear for You 30 Jul 2012 | 09:55 am
As an outcome of Global warming, the ozone layer is becoming depleted day after day, and Ultraviolet rays are inflowing to the atmosphere. Such harmful UV rays can cause significant damage to your del...
*M&C Must Haves - Suncreens 10 Jun 2013 | 02:59 am
Hurray, the sun has finally started showing up in the Netherlands! Now Ella and I are almost always wearing sunscreen, even if it is rainy and cloudy all day. We are believers of the damage UV rays ca...
*M&C Must Haves - Suncreens 10 Jun 2013 | 02:59 am
Hurray, the sun has finally started showing up in the Netherlands! Now Ella and I are almost always wearing sunscreen, even if it is rainy and cloudy all day. We are believers of the damage UV rays ca...
Biore 15 Jul 2013 | 04:33 pm
Living in a year-round sunny country like Singapore, we need to protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun! In fact even if it doesn't seem sunny that day, UV rays can still damage your skin. ...