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PHP 开发框架 Yii 1.1.14 RC 发布 15 Jul 2013 | 05:51 pm
Yii 1.1.14 RC 发布了,该版本中修复了超过 80 个 bug,引入超过 60 项增强和新特性。增加 CPasswordHelper 提供安全和更新的方法用来存储和验证密码;增加 CRedisCache 以支持 Redis 缓存;可作为 [/backcolor]Composer package[/backcolor] 来安装。完整的列 ...
PHP 5.3.27 发布,最后一个常规版本 13 Jul 2013 | 05:41 pm
PHP 5.3.27发布。[/backcolor]2013-07-12 经过1个RC 上个版本是2013-06-07的5.3.26 修正了大约10个Bug以及几个安全漏洞。其他产品线5.5.0/5.4.17[/backcolor].注意这将是5.3系列最后一个常规版本,PHP官方建议用户应该升级到 5.4或5.5 但安全更新会持续到明年。[/backco ...
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Theme deLucide 19 Oct 2011 | 10:09 pm
deLucide est un thème WordPress premium de type portfolio très chic et élégant pour mettre en valeur vos photos ou tout autre travail dans un design professionnel. Gérez votre portfolio sans aucune co...
Office Fitness: On-your-computer Exercise Reminder, Specific Exercises 14 Feb 2012 | 01:47 am
Read the ideas below, to see how you can benefit: Dressage requires strength, agility, endurance, and a lot of practice. In other words, I have to be an athlete. I spend most of my day sitting at a co...
We *may* be hiring - soon! 23 Jan 2008 | 01:00 pm
Here at we are planning to expand our operations during 2009. With this in mind we have moved to new offices in Lancaster City Centre. This is a local position for local people (ex...
Memperkenalkan 13 Apr 2012 | 06:08 am
PHP Training in Montréal 4 Jan 2012 | 10:00 pm
Together with my friends and partners from, Arne Blankerts and Stefan Priebsch, I will be giving an "Advanced PHP Development" training in Montréal in March. With all PHP topics, nothing co...
Acer BTA0302001 Laptop Battery 8 Cells 25 Jul 2009 | 03:34 pm
Specification: Acer Laptop Battery Part Number BTA0302001 Rate: 14.8V 4400mAh Type: Li-ion, 8 cells UL certificated cells inside! Brand New Replacement Product, works as genuine parts, 100% OEM Co...
Google Panda 3.6 – April 27, 2012 7 May 2012 | 09:53 pm
Only after a week after Panda 3.5, Google rolled out another Panda data update on April 27, 2012. The implications of this update were unclear, and it seemed that the impact was relatively small as co...
Nokia 808 – Smartphone com câmera de 41 Megapixels 28 Feb 2012 | 02:31 am
A Nokia surpreendeu nesta segunda-feira ao anunciar durante o Mobile World Congress 2012, feira de telecomunicações que acontece em Barcelona entre os dias 27 de Fevereiro e 1 de Março, um aparelho co...
World's longest passenger aircraft 20 Jun 2011 | 06:40 pm
LE BOURGET: Boeing Co's (BA.N) 747-8 Intercontinental, the new elongated passenger version of its legendary jumbo jet, made its international debut on Sunday, under cloudy skies after a half-hour dela...
How to rip a Blu-ray disc and remux it to MKV 19 Feb 2011 | 12:11 pm
This article will guide you through the steps of ripping a Blu-ray disc, demux it and then remux it to mkv format. This way you will get a huge, but unprotected, easy to use and store mkv file that co...